Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Re: Re: New openACS user...confused

Posted by Jim Lynch on
Sam and David,

If either of you are interested in looking under the hood of openacs a bit and don't mind getting your hands dirty and editing some files in your favorite text editor, might I suggest the developer tutorial?

It shows a bit of how openacs works and how to create a package, mount that package, write scripts that install and remove the data model for that package and how to prompt the user and store and retrieve results.

Customization of openacs much beyond creating and mounting apps, setting parameters and granting permissions requires programming, and that's what the tutorial introduces.

Posted by Sam Nicholson on
The developer tutorial is appropriate for just that: developing packages. There isn't a tutorial for *using* OpenACS. In fact, a great frustration that I have is that to *use* OpenACS, it is a bit difficult to follow the directions, and still *use* my favorite text editor. This forum is a classic example. I'm using a screaming hot computer, running Solaris, with vendor supported emacs (Wahoo!) on the side. And yet I'm typing this note in a tiny screen, and wondering how it will turn out! Troff, anyone? This is akin to the suggestion in the docs to create a home page for your brand, spanking, new OpenACS install by firing up ETP. And even then, there is no suggestion as to what to put in This Edited Page. FWIW, the acs-templating guide doc/acs-templating/demo/ is most helpful. But it's hidden in the docs.

Hey, my hands are filthy with OpenACS muck on them. And I still feel that it's the best thing going, all things considered. But the standard kit has a few nits, that if fixed, would make the kit much easier to grok for a wider user base. And yes, by fixing, I mean easing the use of the OpenACS as plain webserver as needed. Really, there's a tremendous amount of high-quality, ready-to-run code in the OpenACS kit. One ought to be able to just use it.

But, as I noted above, I've got my workaround. And on Monday, I'm going to show a static website developer how to add an OpenACS forum and journal to her website, and neither one of us will program a thing!!!


Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Sam, you are an Emacs user, yet by choice you type your Forums posts into your browser edit box rather than in Emacs? That seems wacky - I just copy and paste from an Emacs buffer. If someone really cared to, it's probably possible to write some sort of fancy Emacs mode and/or Firefox plugin to improve on the text editor / web browser interoperation, but plain copy and paste works well enough.

Btw, there has been some sort of WYSIWYG-style HTML editor supported in OpenACS for some time. I haven't tried it yet, as personally I like the non-WYSIWYG nature of HTML and similar markup styles.

Posted by Sam Nicholson on
Heh, Would that all the world had a .el interface!!! I generally use what's at hand. The context switch is too great when I'm reviewing a set of posts to switch over to emacs and then back to the web browser.

Forums are nice as a record of a specific conversation. Email lists are better transport mechanisms for those conversations, I think.

I'd propose a solution, but you beat me to it in this message:

And very nicely, too.
