Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9

18: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9 (response to 17)
Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
1. all my Windows-OpenACS distributions have a working nsoracle. I have done this work mostly for Quest.
The code is given back to the community as sources are part of my distribution. I am afraid that very few people do compile aolserver and/or naviserver code on Windows and in there nsoracle (as it is at the moment) does not even compile...

Mobile-Friendly Test Compatibility:
There's no need super duper things like Angular.js or Ember.js or Sencha or whatever... a plain WordPress site would pass the test (as you said it is just a matter of HTML and CSS). Anyhow it seems to me that, at least as far as I know, no OpenACS based website passes that test...

20: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9 (response to 18)
Posted by Benjamin Brink on
re: Mobile-Friendly test Compatibility: Does pass? I think it does..
21: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9 (response to 20)
Posted by Benjamin Brink on
er.. using b-responsive-theme