Forum .LRN Q&A: other problems in postgress

Posted by Rafael Calvo on
  1. create department link does not exist. I used the link from an Oracle installation and got the following:
     Selection did not return a value, and no default was provided
               while executing
           "db_string select_node_id {}"
               (procedure "get_type_node_id" line 2)
               invoked from within
           "get_type_node_id $parent_type"
               (procedure "dotlrn_community::new_type" line 4)
               invoked from within
           "dotlrn_community::new_type  -community_type_key
    "$department_key"  -parent_type "dotlrn_class_instance"  -pretty_name
    $pretty_name  -description $desc..."
               ("uplevel" body line 2)
               invoked from within
           "uplevel 1 $transaction_code "
               (procedure "db_transaction" line 39)
               invoked from within
           "db_transaction {
                       dotlrn_community::new_type  -community_type_key
    "$department_key"  -parent_type "dotlrn_class_instance"  -pretty_name
               (procedure "dotlrn_department::new" line 13)
               invoked from within
           "dotlrn_department::new  -pretty_name $pretty_name 
    -description $description  -external_url $external_url"
               invoked from within
           "if {[form is_valid add_department]} {
               form get_values add_department  pretty_name description
    external_url referer
               set department_key [dotlrn..."
               ("uplevel" body line 44)
  2. The same with creating subjects, terms.... using the link from the Oracle Install I get similar errors