Forum OpenACS Development: Deprecated proc set-operation-procs.tcl

Posted by Ivan Mata on
Good afternoon, I have a question, I am using OpenACS 5.8.1, migrated from OpenACS 5.5.1, but the procedures in the set-operation-procs.tcl appears as deprecated (set_intersection, set_append, set_member, and others).

Why have it changed?
What should I use to replace them?

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Dear Ivan,

The main reason for deprecating these functions was probably that none of the 330 packages in CVS uses these functions, tcllib contains a more complete collection of functions (package req struct::set, see [1]) and maybe to provoke feedback like this one :)

I would recommend to use struct::set, which is the standard tcl-way; another option would be to make an own package "setutils", having these functions non-deprecated. The probably most efficient counterpart for set_member is the "in" expression (e.g. "if {$x in $set} ...").

all the best


Posted by Ivan Mata on
Dear Gustaf,

Thank you very much for your answer, I will take your recommendations.

all the best.