Forum .LRN Q&A: LiveCD update suggestions

Posted by Kenneth Wyrick on
i need documentation for upgrading the to include the ims ld .

2005-10-12 English (EN) Release e-lane-1.0b8 with postgreSQL 7.4.7-6sarge1
The CD contains a /contents directory with SCORM E-LANE ICDL Courses in Spanish (Tutorial of edition of contents, Module 1, Module 2, Module 3 (OpenOffice) and Module 7). If you view the CD on Windows, you will see a page explains what the CD contains. (Administrator account: Login: e-lane, Password: e-lane)

I'm familiar with the

I have e-lane data files at:

I'd like to have you download the boulder version and boot it with the e-lane liveCD see that i've installed the project manager, etp, simulations and others as a front end.

i also use the and I'd like to see more files in this area.

there are a few bugs in the current e-lane 10-05-05 version and with a bit of help from the community

I'm very interested in the simulations and the project-manager and have installed them on the current e-lane liveCD distro. i'm also looking at and is easily installed via the cPanel Fantastico program installer. e-lane is very competitive

I'd also like to see the e-lane liveCD with a simple HD install script.

The thing that I find so wonderful about e-lane is the persistant OS image and the e-lane-data.img (where it stores all the system activity so that it can be used instantly on another computer booting with the e-lane liveCD

16: e-lane files (response to 15)
Posted by Kenneth Wyrick on
I made the boulder e-lane files public just now at the same location in the original post: