Hi Nima,
Portal themes are the same as for 2.1.3 (deco, nada, simple and sloan). You can change them from http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/portal-templates
Regarding site templates, there are 3 availables: sloan, selva and kelp. On a fresh install, sloan (the default) and Selva are installed. For an upgraded site, I'm not sure Selva is added. You can check that at http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates. In case Selva is not listed there, follow those steps:
- install theme-selva package
- go to http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates, hit "Add new site template"
- fill the form setting Master Template to /packages/theme-selva/www/selva-master
To install kelp:
- run packages/new-portal/www/themes/install-kelp.sh
- in psql:
select portal_element_theme__new (
'Kelp', -- name
'Kelp theme', -- description
'themes/kelp-theme', -- filename
'themes/kelp-theme' -- directory
- go to http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates, hit "Add new site template"
- fill the form setting Master Template to /packages/dotlrn/www/dotlrn-master-kelp
To set your default site template, use "Admin parameters for site templating" at http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates