Forum .LRN Q&A: How to active new theme

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
can someone kindly explain which themes are available for dotlrn and how I can install them?

Many thanks,

Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
Hi Nima,

Portal themes are the same as for 2.1.3 (deco, nada, simple and sloan). You can change them from http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/portal-templates

Regarding site templates, there are 3 availables: sloan, selva and kelp. On a fresh install, sloan (the default) and Selva are installed. For an upgraded site, I'm not sure Selva is added. You can check that at http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates. In case Selva is not listed there, follow those steps:

- install theme-selva package
- go to http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates, hit "Add new site template"
- fill the form setting Master Template to /packages/theme-selva/www/selva-master

To install kelp:

- run packages/new-portal/www/themes/
- in psql:

select portal_element_theme__new (
'Kelp', -- name
'Kelp theme', -- description
'themes/kelp-theme', -- filename
'themes/kelp-theme' -- directory

- go to http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates, hit "Add new site template"
- fill the form setting Master Template to /packages/dotlrn/www/dotlrn-master-kelp

To set your default site template, use "Admin parameters for site templating" at http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin/site-templates

Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on

By mistake, I added an unecessary step for installing Selva. When theme-selva package is being installed, the site template is automatically created so there is no need to add it manually.

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
Emma. Thank you.