Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Template corruption?

Posted by Jeff Davis on
Tom, return -code return just unwinds two levels rather than one. You can see the difference with this small example:
proc IamTheTop {} { 
     puts "Starting"
     catch { a } errMsg
     puts "Finishing $errMsg"

proc a {} { 
     puts "to b" 
     puts "from b"

proc b {} { 
     puts "to c" 
     puts "from c"

proc c {} { 
     puts "return -code return"
     return -code return
which should produce:
to b
to c
return -code return
from b
You can see that function "a" picked up processing which might be what you want but in most places I see return -code return it probably is not what people expect. changing the above to return -code error yields
to b
to c
return -code error
You generally will not get in trouble with return -code return in a .tcl/.adp page but it can definitely be a problem in library calls and in some of the code blocks like on_error where the return codes are not necessarily all handled correctly.