Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Win32-OpenACS Version 1.0

Posted by Richard Perng on
Question. I am installing openacs. and every time the system tries to write to postgres, it asks me in the shell to add in the password. is there a way to circumvent this?

also, it appears that the error.log is not being written to and is just sort of displaying it in the shell buffer. I am running this on win2000 and I downloaded the “Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)”


Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Dear Richard,
openacs tries to call "psql -U <username> ..."

Did you configure the file "/aolserver/openacs/etc/config.tcl" and insert there the proper username and password for openacs?

You can try to start manually the command "psql -U <usernanm>..." from the same command promt window you use to launch openacs. Please check which error messages you're getting.

About the error.log your remak is correct. At the moment it is only available inside the shell buffer.