Forum .LRN Q&A: Open Source Web Meeting DimDim integration with .LRN

The folks at Dim Dim are reaching out to open source eLearning communities to integrate. They have just completed a simple integration with Moodle and would like to integrate with .LRN.

DimDim is open source Mozilla Public license and is a WebX like application that lets a presenter share his screen and client Aps over the web. All meeting participants have chat and voice. The presenter also has video. Its pretty cool.

The first steps for integration look pretty straight forward. We'd need code to allow a dotlrn-community admin to set up a meeting. Then create a calendar item to tell people when the meeting is and provide the urls to join a meeting. I think this is essentially what the current Moodle integration does.

Next steps might include making it easy to download and install both .LRN and DimDim, more security so a user can't get into a meeting just by having the right url, and making logs of the meeting content available and searchable through .LRN.

Let me know who is interesting and we can work together on this.


Hi, Caroline!

We are interested in this project.
In our University (Valencia, Spain) we are testing
other products like Elluminate.

We can test the DimDim integration in our installation.


Hi Caroline,

I think is a very interesting integration, and the work is not seems very difficult. UNED could be interested in participate of the project.

Best regards.

Hi Rafael,

I agree, looks cool and not difficult. I think the next step is to ask the DimDim people to do a demo for you.

Anyone else in the community want to join the demo and check it out? We will coordinate demo timing by email.


I'll be interested too!
Any update from those who went to the meeting?


Posted by Ashish Talati on
Do we know if integration effort went any further?