Forum OpenACS Development: File Storage Enhancement

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Store a checksum for every file. You can probably use the code from any of the P2P networks, that calculate the checksum of a file to determine they are the same file, regardless of name. Add this checksum to the filestorage data modell. Every time a file get's uploaded the system automatically will check whether that file is already in the system and make a link to the version_id of the this already uploaded file if true. This, by accident, has another great benefit (besides saving diskspace on your harddrive). You see where files are used and get a network of people / classes / parties that seem to have something in common.
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Posting more ideas while I work with file storage here. Don't know how many of them we will deliver ourselve though.

What are doing at the moment is to add notifications to file storage so you get informed when a new file is beeing uploaded.