Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Postgresql 7.3.2 Released

Posted by Roger Siddle on
As a newcomer to Openacs (having seen the recommendation in the Feb Linux Journal) I have been trying to set up Openacs with Postgresql 7.3.2 and Openacs 4.6.

The aolserver install goes OK and it talks to postgres OK.  I use a browser (links) to connect to the server and get the Openacs Installation: Welcome screen.  No problems reported and I click on the 'Next' button.

It goes into installing the kernel data model, outputs 600 lines of postgres sql responses and then just sits there.  The installation notes say 'Have faith a Next button will appear ..' but not for me!

Is the latest postgresql version compatible with 4.6 or do I need to go back to postgresql 7.2.4 ?