Forum .LRN Q&A: dotLRN translations and localization

Posted by Jade Rubick on
I haven't looked much at the localization package, but I was curious about the details of how the translation server was set up. Is it going to be 'easy' for other websites to set up this type of translation effort?

In about a year or so, I could see us needing to do that for the SAFE website (at

Does any of the dotLRN localization site's code come with the localization package?

Posted by Peter Marklund on
99% of the code running the translation server is from cvs head of OpenACS and dotLRN so provided that you upgrade your site to the next major release of OpenACS after 4.6 you will be able to set up such a site. If a complete upgrade is not feasible you might be able to patch your site to be able to install the acs-lang package that has almost all I18N support.