oh, another thing... in order to make the site faster... you want to re-route the users back to a regular http connection... the way to do this is to include the site name in the links to the main sections of your site in your default template master... i.e. instead of linking to home like this:
<a href="/">Home</a>
you specify that you want them back on http:
<a href="http://www.mysite.com/">Home</a>
That way they will leave the slower https connction... you also need to route the logout button to https to avoid problems... i.e. in your default master the link needs to be:
<a href="https://www.mysite.com/register/logout">Logout</a>
If they are not routed to the https page they and only to an http page to log out they will only be logged out on the insecure site, but still remain logged in on the secure site... this logout thing should be taken care of by the parameters, but that requires a redirect to the browser so it is faster to have the hard link to https in your master template.