Forum OpenACS Forum Summaries: Q&A 2004-09-02

Posted by Cathy Sarisky on Q&A Forums Summary: 9/1-9/2

(Note: not every post will be included, especially on high-volume days.  Comments on editorial style welcomed.  If you really want everything, read the whole forum yourself.)

Security Issues

There's a security alert out for Oracle.  (Discussion)  Versions affected include 8i, 9i, and through


  • Polls:  Deds Castillo will be committing a polls port soon.
  • Survey:  Malte Sussdorff  reports that a new version of complex survey is in CVS.  It should replace the version of survey currently in head.  Deds warns that it may be flaky while he's working on it.
  • Mailing-list:  There's a new version of mailing-list in openacs-5-1.  It includes enhancements done by Aristoi, enabling you to see a list of all subscribed users and mass unsubscribe them again.


Malte started a discussion about overlaying Corporate Identity (skinning).  Currently this involves tweaking multiple CSS files, changing templates, and hunting for stuff that's hard-coded.  He suggests writing a proposal and looking for funding in the context of improving usability for users with slow modems, braille readers, PDAs, etc.  Jade suggests increasing XHTML/CSS compliance and an advanced tutorial on how to do it.

Malte suggested that we create dotLRN sub-communities within to make the amount of information more manageable and allow aggregation of content.  The discussion led to these summaries.

Frank Bergmann has some ruminitions on workflow,, proposing a more permissions-like (?) approach.  He says the current workflow is a state pattern.  Jade comments that documention is needed.


Andrew Piskorski reports that forums postings take 10 minutes to show up on the front page of and wants to know if something has changed?