Forum .LRN Q&A: Podcasting with Openacs/Dotlrn

Posted by Christian Fuchs on
Anybody has an idea of realizing podcasts with openacs/dotlrn.
Can xowiki used for this? Anybody working on this matter?
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
podcasts have very little requirements, since they are based on RSS. One can certainly place a generated rss file from some podcasting framework into a filestore of a community to make it there available. To make the publishing side more comfortable, it would be a nice project to place the videos (with a few more meta-data than usually available) into the content repository and generate the podcast feeds on the fly (sounds like a nice exercise for xowiki).

We are doing currently some work on the production side, which is much more involved, since one has to address audio/video incodings and as well streaming formats, etc. We are going into protoype state this semester and would wish to have something in production quality for our efforts in autumn.

Posted by Christian Fuchs on
Thank you for this really quick implementation. We are looking forward of using xowiki on our site.
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
I found the PHP based software for creating channels to easily integrate with iTunes:

Not sure if and how you would have to integrate this with OpenACS, just wanted to leave it as a point of reference if further improvements are necessary for XoWIKI Podcasts.

Posted by Andrew Grumet on
Once upon a time I added RSS enclosure support to the file storage module, which is all you'd need to turn a FS folder into a podcast feed. Pretty sure it's still there but disabled by default.