calendar::apm::before_uninstantiate       Cleanup calendars from this package instance upon uninstantiation. 
calendar::apm::package_after_upgrade       Upgrade script for the calendar package 
calendar::assign_permissions       Given a calendar_id, party_id and a permission this proc will assign the permission to the party the legal permissions are: public, private, calendar_read, calendar_write, calendar_delete If the revoke is set, then the given permission will be removed for the party. 
calendar::compare_day_items_by_current_hour       Compare a day item by the current hour (field 0). 
calendar::create       Create a new calendar. 
calendar::delete       Delete a calendar 
calendar::do_notifications       Perform the notifications 
calendar::from_sql_datetime       Converts a date in a specified format into a templating date dict. 
calendar::fts::datasource       returns a datasource for a calendar event to be indexed by the full text search engine. 
calendar::fts::url       returns a URL for an event to the search package 
calendar::get       Get calendar info 
calendar::get_item_types       return the item types 
calendar::get_month_multirow_information       Builds a multirow with information about the month. 
calendar::have_private_p       Check to see if the user has a private calendar. 
calendar::install::package_install       package install callback 
calendar::install::package_uninstall       package uninstall callback 
calendar::install::package_upgrade       Package before-upgrade callback 
calendar::item::add_recurrence       Adds a recurrence for a calendar item 
calendar::item::all_day_event       Determine, if an event is an all day event depending on the ansi start and end dates (e.g. 
calendar::item::assign_permission       update the permission of the specific cal_item if revoke is set to revoke, then we revoke all permissions DEPRECATED: this api is in fact a trivial wrapper for the permission api. 
calendar::item::dates_valid_p       A sanity check that the start time is before the end time. 
calendar::item::delete       Delete the calendar item 
calendar::item::delete_recurrence       delete a recurrence 
calendar::item::edit       Edit the item 
calendar::item::edit_recurrence       edit a recurrence 
calendar::item::get       Get the data for a calendar item 
calendar::item::new       Insert a new calendar item into the database 
calendar::item_type_delete       Delete an item type 
calendar::item_type_new       creates a new item type 
calendar::make_datetime       given a date, and a time, construct the proper date string to be imported into oracle. 
calendar::name       Return a calendar's name 
calendar::new       Create a new calendar 
calendar::outlook::cal_outlook_gmt_sql       Formats the hours to subtract or add to make the date_time be in gmt. 
calendar::outlook::format_item       the cal_item_id is obvious. 
calendar::outlook::ics_timestamp_format       the timestamp must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS 
calendar::rename       rename a calendar 
calendar::sc::register_implementations       Register the cal_item content type fts contract 
calendar::to_sql_datetime       This takes two date chunks, one for date one for time, and combines them correctly. 
calendar_item_add_recurrence       Adds a recurrence for a calendar item 
calendar_make_datetime       given a date, and a time, construct the proper date string to be imported into oracle. 
callback::calendar::item::after_edit::contract       Puts extra logics after calendar edit. 
callback::calendar::item::before_delete::contract       Puts extra logics before calendar item deletion. 
callback::merge::MergePackageUser::impl::calendar       Merge the calendars of two users. 
callback::merge::MergeShowUserInfo::impl::calendar       Shows the calendar tables user info 

Package Documentation