callback::application-track::getApplicationName::impl::album       callback implementation 
callback::application-track::getGeneralInfo::impl::album       callback implementation 
callback::application-track::getSpecificInfo::impl::album       callback implementation 
callback::merge::MergePackageUser::impl::photo_album       Merge the photo_album items of two users. 
pa_all_photos_in_album       returns a list of all the photo_ids in an album sorted in ascending order pull value from cache if already there, caches result and returns result if not 
pa_all_photos_in_album_internal       queries and returns a list of all photo_ids in album_id in ascending order 
pa_all_photos_on_page       returns a list of the photo_ids on page page of album_id list is in ascending order 
pa_assert_dir       Ensures that dirname exists under the PhotoDir Directory If -check_base_path flag specified, proc also checks if base path exists and adds it if necessary Won't cause an error if the directory is already there. 
pa_clipboards_multirow       creates a multirow datasource with the existing clipboards 
pa_context_bar_list       Constructs the list to be fed to ad_context_bar appropriate for item_id. 
pa_count_pages_in_album       returns the number of pages in album_id 
pa_count_photos_in_album       returns count of number of photos in album_id 
pa_expand_archive       Given an uploaded file in file tmpfile with original name upload_file extract the archive and put in a tmp directory which is the return value of the function 
pa_file_info       return the image information from a given file 
pa_flush_photo_in_album_cache       Clears the cacheed value set by pa_all_photos_in_album for a single album Call proc on any page that alters the number or order of photos in an album. 
pa_get_exif_data       Returns a array get list with the some of the exif data or an empty string if the file is not a jpg file uses jhead Keys: Aperture Cameramake Cameramodel CCDWidth DateTime Exposurebias Exposuretime Filedate Filename Filesize Film Flashused Focallength Focallength35 FocusDist Jpegprocess MeteringMode Resolution 
pa_get_folder_description       Returns the description of a folder. 
pa_get_folder_name       Returns the name of a folder. 
pa_get_root_folder       Returns the folder_id of the root folder for an instance of the photo album system. 
pa_get_root_folder_internal       Returns the folder_id of the root folder for an instance of the photo album system. 
pa_grant_privilege_to_creator       Grants a set of default privileges stored in parameter PrivilegeForCreator on object id to user_id. 
pa_image_width_height       Uses ImageMagick program to get the width and height in pixels of filename. 
pa_is_album_p       returns "t" if album_id is a pa_album that is a child of the root folder for the package, else "f" 
pa_is_folder_p       returns "t" if folder_id is a folder that is a child of the root folder for the package, else "f" 
pa_is_photo_p       returns "t" if photo_id is a pa_photo that is a child of the root folder for the package, else "f" 
pa_is_type_in_package       returns "t" if item_id is of the specified content_type and is a child of the root folder of the package, else returns "f" 
pa_load_images       load a list of files to the provided album owned by user_id 
pa_make_file_name       constructs a filename for an image based on id and extension. 
pa_make_new_image       Uses ImageMagick program to create a file named new_image from base_image that fits within a box defined by geometry. 
pa_new_root_folder       Creates a new root folder for a package, and returns id. 
pa_page_of_photo_in_album       returns the page number of a photo in an album If photo is not in the album returns -1 
pa_pagination_bar       given a current photo_id and an ordered list of all the photo_id in an album creates an html fragment that allows user to navigate to any photo by number next/previous 
pa_pagination_get_total_pages       returns the total pages in a datasource defined by $sql The sql var must be defined at the calling level. 
pa_pagination_ns_set_to_url_vars       helper procedure - turns an ns_set into a list of url_vars 
pa_pagination_paginate_query       takes a query and returns a query that accounts for pagination 
pa_rotate       Rotate a pic 
pa_walk       Walk starting at a given directory and return a list of all the plain files found 
photo_album::get_package_id_from_url       Returns package_id of instance from URL 
photo_album::install::package_install       package install callback 
photo_album::install::package_uninstall       package uninstall callback 
photo_album::install::package_upgrade       Package before-upgrade callback 
photo_album::list_albums_in_root_folder       Returns a list of albums for a specific instance of photo-album 
photo_album::photo::get       return an array with the photo data. 
photo_album::photo::package_url       given a photo_id (can be an item or revision_id) return the package_url for the corresponding photo. 
photo_album::search::album::datasource       return the indexable content for an album. 
photo_album::search::album::url       returns a URL for a message to the search package 
photo_album::search::photo::datasource       return the indexable content for an album. 
photo_album::search::photo::url       returns a URL for a message to the search package 
photo_album::search::register_implementations       Register the forum_forum and forum_message content type fts contract 

Package Documentation