rss_assert_dir       Steps through path creating each new directory as needed. 
rss_first_url_for_package_id       Finds the first site node (ordered by node_id) associated with package_id and returns the relative url for that node. 
rss_gen       <pre> Generates an RSS XML doc given channel information and item information. 
rss_gen_091       generate an rss 0.91 xml feed 
rss_gen_100       generate an rss 1.0 xml feed very basic rss 1.0, with no modules implemented.... 
rss_gen_200       generate an rss 2.0 xml feed 
rss_gen_bind       Creates bindings for unbound implementations for RssGenerationSubscriber. 
rss_gen_report       Build a report, write it out, log it. 
rss_gen_report_dir       Return a directory path, relative to the pageroot, for the rss subscription with subscr_id or impl_name + summary_context_id provided. 
rss_gen_report_file       Return a file path for the rss subscription with subscr_id or impl_name + summary_context_id provided. 
rss_package_id       <pre> # Returns the package_id for rss if it is rss is mounted. 
rss_package_url       <pre> # Returns the rss package url if it is mounted. 
rss_support::get_subscr_id       Return subscription id 
rss_support::subscription_exists       Check if a subscription exists 

Package Documentation