callback::workflow::case::role::after_assign::contract       After assignment callback to execute arbitrary code after a party is assigned to a role. 
callback::workflow::case::role::after_unassign::contract       After assignment callback to execute arbitrary code after a party is unassigned from a role. 
workflow::action::callback_insert       Add a side-effect to an action. 
workflow::action::delete       Delete action with given id. 
workflow::action::edit       Edit an action. 
workflow::action::flush_cache       Flush all caches related to actions for the given workflow_id. 
workflow::action::fsm::delete       Delete FSM action with given id. 
workflow::action::fsm::edit       Edit an action. 
workflow::action::fsm::generate_spec       Generate the spec for an individual action definition. 
workflow::action::fsm::get       Return information about an action with a given id, including FSM-related info: enabled_states, enabled_state_ids, assigned_states, assigned_state_ids, new_state, new_state_id. 
workflow::action::fsm::get_element       Return element from information about an action with a given id, including FSM-related info such as 'enabled_in_states', and 'new_state'. 
workflow::action::fsm::get_ids       Get the action_id's of all the actions in the workflow. 
workflow::action::fsm::get_new_state       Return the ID of the new state for an action 
workflow::action::fsm::new       Add an action to a certain FSM (Finite State Machine) workflow. 
workflow::action::fsm::parse_spec       Parse the spec for an individual action definition. 
workflow::action::fsm::set_enabled_in_state       Edit the enabled state of an action 
workflow::action::generate_short_name       Generate a unique short_name from pretty_name. 
workflow::action::get       Return information about an action with a given id. 
workflow::action::get_all_info       This proc is for internal use in the workflow API only. 
workflow::action::get_all_info_not_cached       This proc is for internal use in the workflow API only and should not be invoked directly from application code. 
workflow::action::get_allowed_roles       Return the allowed roles of the given action 
workflow::action::get_assigned_role       Return the assigned role of the given action 
workflow::action::get_callbacks       Return a list of implementation names for the callbacks of a given workflow action. 
workflow::action::get_element       Return a single element from the information about a action. 
workflow::action::get_existing_short_names       Returns a list of existing action short_names in this workflow. 
workflow::action::get_from_request_cache       This provides some abstraction for the Workflow API cache and also some optimization - we only convert lists to arrays once per request. 
workflow::action::get_id       Return the action_id of the action with the given short_name in the given workflow. 
workflow::action::get_ids       Get the action_id's of all the actions in the workflow. 
workflow::action::get_options       Get an options list of actions for use with form builder. 
workflow::action::get_privileges       Return the assigned role of the given action 
workflow::action::get_workflow_id       Lookup the workflow_id of a certain action_id. 
workflow::action::get_workflow_id_not_cached       This is a proc that should only be used internally by the workflow API, applications should use workflow::action::get_workflow_id instead. 
workflow::action::new       This procedure is normally not invoked from application code. 
workflow::action::pretty_name_unique_p       Check if suggested pretty_name is unique. 
workflow::action::refresh_request_cache       Initializes the cached array with information about actions for a certain workflow so that it can be reused within one request. 
workflow::action::update_sort_order       Increase the sort_order of other actions, if the new sort_order is already taken. 
workflow::cache_timeout       Returns the timeout to give to util_memoize (max_age parameter) for all workflow level data. 
workflow::callback_insert       Add a side-effect to a workflow. 
workflow::case::action::available_p       Is this action currently enabled and does the user have permission to perform it? 
workflow::case::action::complete       Mark an action complete. 
workflow::case::action::do_side_effects       Fire the side-effects for this action 
workflow::case::action::enable       Update the workflow_case_enabled_actions table to say that the action is now enabled. 
workflow::case::action::enabled_p       Is this action currently enabled. 
workflow::case::action::execute       Execute the action. 
workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change       Modify the state of the case as required when executing the given action. 
workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id       Get the enabled_action_id from case_id and action_id. 
workflow::case::action::notify       Send out notifications to relevant people. 
workflow::case::action::permission_p       Does the user have permission to perform this action. 
workflow::case::action::unenable       Update the workflow_case_enabled_actions table to say that the previously enabled actions are no longer enabled. 
workflow::case::active_p       Returns true if the case is active, otherwise false. 
workflow::case::add_log_data       Adds extra data information to a log entry, which can later be retrieved using workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key. 
workflow::case::assign_roles       Find out which roles are assigned to currently enabled actions. 
workflow::case::cache_timeout       Number of seconds before we timeout the case level workflow cache. 
workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler       Check if all child actions of this action are complete, and if so cause this action to execute 
workflow::case::delete       Delete a workflow case. 
workflow::case::enabled_action_get       Get information about an enabled action 
workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element       Return a single element from the information about an enabled action 
workflow::case::flush_cache       Flush all cached data for a given case or for all cases if none is specified. 
workflow::case::flush_cache0       Flush all cached data for a given case or for all cases if none is specified. 
workflow::case::fsm::get       Get information about an FSM case set as values in your array. 
workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state       Gets the current state_id of this case. 
workflow::case::fsm::get_element       Return a single element from the information about a case. 
workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached       Used internally by the workflow id to get FSM case info from the database. 
workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info       Gets all state info from the database, include sub-action state. 
workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached       Gets all state info from the database, include sub-action state. 
workflow::case::get       Get information about a case. 
workflow::case::get_activity_html       Get the activity log for a case as an HTML chunk. 
workflow::case::get_activity_log_info       Get the data for the case activity log. 
workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached       Get the data for the case activity log. 
workflow::case::get_activity_text       Get the activity log for a case as a text chunk 
workflow::case::get_actual_state       Flushes cache, gets actual state of case, and finds which actions should be enabled/assigned based on that actual state. 
workflow::case::get_available_actions       Get the actions which are enabled and which the current user have permission to execute. 
workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids       Get the enabled_action_id's of the actions available to the given user. 
workflow::case::get_element       Return a single element from the information about a case. 
workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids       Get the currently enabled_action_id's of enabled user actions in the case. 
workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached       Used internally by the workflow API only. 
workflow::case::get_enabled_actions       Get the currently enabled user actions, based on the state of the case 
workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached       Used internally by the workflow API only. 
workflow::case::get_id       Gets the case_id from the object_id which the case is about, along with the short_name of the workflow. 
workflow::case::get_log_data       Retrieve extra data for a workflow log entry, previously stored using workflow::case::add_log_data. 
workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key       Retrieve extra data for a workflow log entry, previously stored using workflow::case::add_log_data. 
workflow::case::get_notification_object       Get the relevant object for this notification type. 
workflow::case::get_notification_request_url       Get the URL to subscribe to notifications 
workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow       Returns a multirow with columns url, label, title, of the possible workflow notification types. 
workflow::case::get_user_roles       Get the roles which this user is assigned to. 
workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached       Used internally by the workflow Tcl API only. 
workflow::case::insert       Internal procedure that creates a new workflow case in the database. 
workflow::case::new       Start a new case for this workflow and object. 
workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets       Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role. 
workflow::case::role::assign       Assign roles from an array with entries like this: array(short_name) = [list of party_ids]. 
workflow::case::role::assignee_insert       Insert a new assignee for this role 
workflow::case::role::assignee_remove       Remove an assignee from this role 
workflow::case::role::assignees_remove       Remove all assignees in this role 
workflow::case::role::flush_cache       Flush all role related info for a certain case or for all cases if none is specified. 
workflow::case::role::flush_cache0       Flush all role related info for a certain case or for all cases if none is specified. 
workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget       Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role. 
workflow::case::role::get_assignees       Get the current assignees for a role in a case as a list of [array get]'s of party_id, email, name. 
workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached       Proc used only internally by the workflow API. 
workflow::case::role::get_picklist       Get the picklist for this role. 
workflow::case::role::get_search_query       Get the search query for this role. 
workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values       Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role. 
workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees       Find the default assignee for this role. 
workflow::case::state_changed_handler       Scans for newly enabled actions, as well as actions which were enabled but are now no longer enabled. 
workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper       Sweep for timed actions ready to fire. 
workflow::clone       Clones an existing FSM workflow. 
workflow::default_sort_order       By default the sort_order will be the highest current sort order plus 1. 
workflow::definition_changed_handler       Should be called when the workflow definition has changed while there are active cases. 
workflow::delete       Delete a generic workflow and all data attached to it (states, actions etc.). 
workflow::deputy::delete       Delete deputy information for a certain user_id and deputy_id. 
workflow::deputy::edit       Edit deputy information for a certain user_id and deputy_id. 
workflow::deputy::new       Create a new deputizing period for a user during which workflow tasks will be assigned to a deputee. 
workflow::edit       Edit a workflow. 
workflow::exists_p       Return 1 if the workflow with given id exists and 0 otherwise. 
workflow::flush_cache       Flush all cached data related to the given workflow instance. 
workflow::fsm::clone       Clones an existing FSM workflow. 
workflow::fsm::generate_spec       Generate a spec for a workflow in array list style. 
workflow::fsm::get_initial_state       Get the id of the state that a workflow case is in once it's started (after the initial action is fired). 
workflow::fsm::get_states       Get the state_id's of all the states in the workflow. 
workflow::fsm::new_from_spec       Create a new workflow from spec. 
workflow::generate_short_name       Generate a unique short_name from pretty_name, or verify uniqueness of a given short_name. 
workflow::generate_spec       Generate a spec for a workflow in array list style. 
workflow::get       Return information about a workflow. 
workflow::get_actions       Get the action_id's of all the actions in the workflow. 
workflow::get_callbacks       Return the implementation names for a certain contract and a given workflow. 
workflow::get_element       Return a single element from the information about a workflow. 
workflow::get_existing_short_names       Returns a list of existing workflow short_names for this package_key and object_id. 
workflow::get_id       Get workflow_id by short_name and object_id. 
workflow::get_id_not_cached       Private proc not to be used by applications, use workflow::get_id instead. 
workflow::get_not_cached       Private procedure that should never be used by application code - use workflow::get instead. 
workflow::get_notification_links       Return a links to sign up for notifications. 
workflow::get_roles       Get the role_id's of all the roles in the workflow. 
workflow::graph::draw       This procedure is used to generate .dot file of graphviz 
workflow::impl::acs_object       Returns the static string 'acs_object'. 
workflow::impl::role_assignee_pick_list::current_assignees::get_pick_list       Return the list of current assignees for this case and role 
workflow::impl::role_assignee_subquery::registered_users::get_subquery       Return a subquery for all registered users. 
workflow::impl::role_default_assignees::creation_user::get_assignees       Return the creation_user of the object 
workflow::impl::role_default_assignees::static_assignees::get_assignees       Return the static assignees for this role 
workflow::install::after_upgrade       Workflow package after upgrade callback proc 
workflow::install::create_service_contracts       Create the service contracts needed by workflow 
workflow::install::package_install       Workflow package install proc 
workflow::install::package_uninstall       Workflow package uninstall proc 
workflow::install::register_implementations       Register service contract implementations 
workflow::install::register_notification_types       Register workflow notification types 
workflow::install::unregister_implementations       Unregister service contract implementations 
workflow::install::unregister_notification_types       Unregister workflow notification types 
workflow::new       Creates a new workflow. 
workflow::new_from_spec       Create a new workflow from spec. 
workflow::parse_spec       Create workflow, roles, states, actions, etc., as appropriate 
workflow::role::add_assignee_widgets       Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role. 
workflow::role::callback_insert       Add an assignment rule to a role. 
workflow::role::delete       Delete workflow role with given id. 
workflow::role::edit       Edit a workflow role. 
workflow::role::flush_cache       Flush all caches related to roles for the given workflow. 
workflow::role::generate_short_name       Generate a unique short_name from pretty_name. 
workflow::role::generate_spec       Generate the spec for an individual role definition. 
workflow::role::get       Return information about a role in an array. 
workflow::role::get_all_info       This proc is for internal use in the workflow API only. 
workflow::role::get_all_info_not_cached       This proc is for internal use in the workflow API only and should not be invoked directly from application code. 
workflow::role::get_assignee_widget       Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role. 
workflow::role::get_callbacks       Get the impl_names of callbacks of a given contract for a given role. 
workflow::role::get_element       Return a single element from the information about a role. 
workflow::role::get_existing_short_names       Returns a list of existing role short_names in this workflow. 
workflow::role::get_id       Return the role_id of the role with the given short_name in the given workflow. 
workflow::role::get_ids       Get the IDs of all the roles in the right order. 
workflow::role::get_options       Get a list of roles in a workflow for use in the 'options' property of a form builder form element. 
workflow::role::get_picklist       Get the picklist for this role. 
workflow::role::get_search_query       Get the search query for this role. 
workflow::role::get_workflow_id       Lookup the workflow_id of a certain role_id. 
workflow::role::get_workflow_id_not_cached       This is a proc that should only be used internally by the workflow API, applications should use workflow::role::get_workflow_id instead. 
workflow::role::new       Creates a new role for a workflow. 
workflow::role::parse_spec       Parse the spec for an individual role definition. 
workflow::role::update_sort_order       Increase the sort_order of other roles, if the new sort_order is already taken. 
workflow::state::flush_cache       Flush all caches related to state information for the given workflow. 
workflow::state::fsm::edit       Edit a workflow state. 
workflow::state::fsm::generate_short_name       Generate a unique short_name from pretty_name. 
workflow::state::fsm::generate_spec       Generate the spec for an individual state definition. 
workflow::state::fsm::generate_states_spec       Generate the spec for the block containing the definition of all states for the workflow. 
workflow::state::fsm::get       Return workflow_id, sort_order, short_name, and pretty_name for a certain FSM workflow state. 
workflow::state::fsm::get_all_info       This proc is for internal use in the workflow API only. 
workflow::state::fsm::get_all_info_not_cached       This proc is for internal use in the workflow API only and should not be invoked directly from application code. 
workflow::state::fsm::get_element       Return a single element from the information about a state. 
workflow::state::fsm::get_existing_short_names       Returns a list of existing state short_names in this workflow. 
workflow::state::fsm::get_id       Return the id of the state with given short name 
workflow::state::fsm::get_ids       Get the state_id's of all the states in the workflow. 
workflow::state::fsm::get_workflow_id       Lookup the workflow that the given state belongs to. 
workflow::state::fsm::get_workflow_id_not_cached       This proc is used internally by the workflow API only. 
workflow::state::fsm::new       Creates a new state for a certain FSM (Finite State Machine) workflow. 
workflow::state::fsm::parse_spec       Parse the spec for an individual state definition. 
workflow::state::fsm::pretty_name_unique_p       Check if suggested pretty_name is unique. 
workflow::state::fsm::update_sort_order       Increase the sort_order of other states, if the new sort_order is already taken. 
workflow::tree::sorter::create       <p>Initiliaze a bunch of state variables for a <code>connect by</code> ordered tree.</p> <p><h3>Example:</h3> <pre><code> # Create a 'sorter' to sort the data tree::sorter::create -multirow <b>categories_tree</b> -sort_by <b>sort_key</b> # Get the data db_multirow -extend {<b>sort_key</b>} <b>categories_tree</b> categories_tree_sql { select lpad(' ', 6*4*(level-1) + 1, '&amp;nbsp;') || name as name, category_id, name as <b>rawname</b>, <b>level</b> from categories connect by prior category_id = parent_category_id start with parent_category_id = category.lookup('//Personnel Title') } { set sort_key [tree::sorter::make_full_key_for -multirow <b>categories_tree</b> -partial_key <b>$rawname</b> -id <b>$category_id</b> -level <b>$level</b>] } # Sort the data tree::sorter::sort -multirow <b>categories_tree</b> </code></pre></p> 
workflow::tree::sorter::make_full_key_for       Make a key that can be stored with the given row in a <code>connect by</code>-ordered tree. 
workflow::tree::sorter::sort       Sort the given multirow using the full-sort-keys built earlier by the calls to <code>tree::sorter</code> proc <code>tree::sorter::make_full_key_for</code> created with <code>tree::sorter::create</code>. 
workflow::tree::sorter::sort_list_of_lists       <p>Sort the given list-of-lists. 

Package Documentation