Loads a package from a URL into the package manager.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-load-2.tcl
- Author:
- Bryan Quinn <>
- Created:
- 10 October 2000
$Id: package-load-2.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:09:19 gustafn Exp $
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Loads a package from a URL into the package manager. @param url The url of the package to load. @author Bryan Quinn ( @creation-date 10 October 2000 @cvs-id $Id: package-load-2.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:09:19 gustafn Exp $ } { {url ""} {file_path ""} {delete:boolean,notnull 0} } -validate { url_xor_file_path { if {($url eq "" && $file_path eq "") || ($url ne "" && $file_path ne "") } { ad_complain } } } -errors { url_xor_file_path {You must specify either a URL to download or a file path, but not both.} } if {$delete} { file delete -force -- [apm_workspace_install_dir] } set title "Contents of Loaded Package" set context [list [list "." "Package Manager"] [list "package-load" "Load a New Package"] $title] ad_return_top_of_page [ad_parse_template \ -params [list context title] \ [template::streaming_template]] if {$file_path eq ""} { # # delete potential leading "http://" # if {[string range $url 0 6] eq "http://"} { set url [string range $url 7 end] } ns_write "<ul>" set url_param "-url http://$url" } else { ns_write " Accessing $file_path... <p> <ul> " set url_param "" } ns_log Debug "APM: Loading $file_path" # If file_path ends in .apm, then load the single package. if { [file extension $file_path] eq ".apm" || $url_param ne ""} { apm_load_apm_file {*}$url_param -callback apm_ns_write_callback $file_path } else { # See if this is a directory. if { [file isdirectory $file_path] } { #Find all the .APM and load them. set apm_file_list [glob -nocomplain "$file_path/*.apm"] if {$apm_file_list eq ""} { ns_write [subst { The directory specified, <code>$file_path</code>, does not contain any APM files. Please <a href="package-load">try again</a> }] return } else { foreach apm_file $apm_file_list { ns_write "Loading $apm_file... <ul>" apm_load_apm_file -callback apm_ns_write_callback $apm_file ns_write "<li>Done.</ul><p>" } } } else { # Not sure what to do... stop. ns_write "The specified file path is not an APM file or a directory. Please try entering a new file path." return } } ns_write [subst { </ul> The package(s) are now extracted into your filesystem. You can <a href="package-load">load another new package</a> from a URL or proceed to <a href="packages-install">install</a> the package(s). }] # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: