Installs the packages.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install-4.tcl
- Author:
- Bryan Quinn <>
- Created:
- Mon Oct 9 00:22:31 2000
$Id: packages-install-4.tcl,v 2020/02/26 21:20:11 gustafn Exp $
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Installs the packages. @author Bryan Quinn ( @creation-date Mon Oct 9 00:22:31 2000 @cvs-id $Id: packages-install-4.tcl,v 2020/02/26 21:20:11 gustafn Exp $ } { {sql_file:multiple ""} {mount_packages:multiple ""} {mount_path:array ""} } set pkg_install_list [ad_get_client_property apm pkg_install_list] set pkg_enable_list [ad_get_client_property apm pkg_enable_list] set sql_file_paths [ad_get_client_property apm sql_file_paths] set title "Package Installation" set context [list [list "/acs-admin/apm/" "Package Manager"] $title] ad_return_top_of_page [ad_parse_template \ -params [list context title] \ [template::streaming_template]] ns_write [subst { <h2>Installing packages...</h2> <script nonce='[security::csp::nonce]'>var myInterval = setInterval(function(){window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight)}, 300); </script> <p> <ul> }] # We have a set of SQL files that need to be sourced at the appropriate time. set sql_files [list] foreach index $sql_file { ns_log Debug "File index: $index: [lindex $sql_file_paths $index]" lappend sql_files [lindex $sql_file_paths $index] } set installed_count 0 foreach pkg_info $pkg_install_list { set spec_file [pkg_info_spec $pkg_info] set package_path [pkg_info_path $pkg_info] if { [catch { array set version [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] } errmsg] } { ns_write "<li> Unable to install the [pkg_info_key $pkg_info] package because its specification file is invalid: <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]</pre></blockquote>" continue } set package_key $version(package.key) if {[apm_package_version_installed_p $package_key $version(name)] } { #ns_log notice "===== ALREADY installed $package_key" # Already installed. continue } set version_files $version(files) set data_model_files [list] # Find the correct data model files for this package. foreach file $sql_files { if {[lindex $file 2] eq $package_key } { # Pass on the file path and its type. lappend data_model_files $file } } # Mount path of package if { $package_key in $mount_packages && [info exists mount_path($package_key)] && $mount_path($package_key) ne "" } { set selected_mount_path $mount_path($package_key) } else { set selected_mount_path "" } # Install the packages. ns_log Debug "APM: Installing package at $package_path." #set enable_p [expr {$package_key in $pkg_enable_list}] set enable_p 1 if {[catch { ns_log notice "===== INSTALL $package_key" set version_id [apm_package_install \ -enable=$enable_p \ -package_path $package_path \ -callback apm_ns_write_callback \ -load_data_model \ -data_model_files $data_model_files \ -mount_path $selected_mount_path \ $spec_file] ns_log notice "===== INSTALL $package_key DONE" } errorMsg]} { ns_write "Error: $errorMsg<br>\n<pre>" ns_write [ns_quotehtml $::errorInfo] ns_write "</pre>\n" set version_id 0 } if { $version_id == 0 } { # Installation of the package failed and we shouldn't continue with installation # as there might be packages depending on the failed package. Ideally we should # probably check for such dependencies and continue if there are none. ns_write [subst { </ul> <script nonce='[security::csp::nonce]'>window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);clearInterval(myInterval); </script> }] ad_script_abort } incr installed_count } if {$installed_count < 1} { ns_write { </ul> All packages in this directory have already been installed. Please return to the <a href="index">index</a>.<p> } } else { ns_write {</ul><p> Done installing packages. <p>You should restart the server now to make installed and upgraded packages available.</p> <p><a href="../server-restart" class="button">Click here</a> to restart the server now.</p> } #ns_write [anchor_form -id restart -action ../server-restart -label "Click here"] \ # " to restart the server now.</p>" } ns_write [subst { <script nonce='[security::csp::nonce]'>window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);clearInterval(myInterval);</script> }] # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: