Select, dependency check, install and enable packages.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl
- Author:
- Bryan Quinn <>
$Id: packages-install.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:09:19 gustafn Exp $
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ad_page_contract { Select, dependency check, install and enable packages. @author Bryan Quinn ( @cvs-id $Id: packages-install.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:09:19 gustafn Exp $ } { {checked_by_default_p:boolean,notnull 0} {operation:word,notnull all} } set title "Package Installation" set context [list [list "/acs-admin/apm/" "Package Manager"] $title] set dimensional_list { { operation "Operation:" all { { upgrade "Upgrade" {} } { install "Install" {} } { all "All" {} } } } } set dimensional_list [ad_dimensional $dimensional_list] ### Get all the spec files # # If a package is in the apm_workspace dir then we assume that this is # the package that should be installed and we ignore any such package # in the packages dir. # # TODO: make sure that it's a later version than that in the packages dir? # set packages_root_dir "$::acs::rootdir/packages" set packages_spec_files [apm_scan_packages $packages_root_dir] set workspace_spec_files [apm_scan_packages [apm_workspace_install_dir]] set workspace_filenames [list] foreach spec_path $workspace_spec_files { lappend workspace_filenames [file tail $spec_path] } set all_spec_files $workspace_spec_files foreach spec_path $packages_spec_files { set spec_filename [file tail $spec_path] if {$spec_filename ni $workspace_filenames} { lappend all_spec_files $spec_path } } # Determine which spec files are new installs; install all of the new items. set spec_files [list] set already_installed_list [list] set not_compatible_list [list] foreach spec_file $all_spec_files { array set version [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] set version_name $version(name) set package_name $version(package-name) set package_key $version(package.key) if { [apm_package_supports_rdbms_p -package_key $package_key] } { if { [apm_package_registered_p $package_key] && [apm_package_installed_p $package_key] } { # This package is already on the system if { [apm_higher_version_installed_p $package_key $version_name] } { ns_log Notice "higher version installed of $package_key $version_name" lappend spec_files $spec_file } else { ns_log Notice "need upgrade of package $package_key $version_name" lappend already_installed_list \ "Package $package_name ($package_key): version $version_name or higher is already installed." } } else { lappend spec_files $spec_file } } else { lappend not_compatible_list "Package $package_name ($package_key): doesn't support [db_type]." } } apm_log APMDebug $spec_files set body "" if { $spec_files eq "" } { # No spec files to work with. append body [subst { <h2>No New Packages to $operation</h2><p> There are no new packages to [string tolower $operation]. Please load some using the <a href="package-load">Package Loader</a>.<p> Return to the <a href="index">APM</a>.<p> }] } else { ns_log notice "spec_files <$spec_files>" append body [subst { <h2>Select Packages to $operation</h2><p> <p>Please select the set of packages you'd like to [string tolower $operation].</p> <div style="margin: 0 auto;"> $dimensional_list </div> }] set formName "pkgsForm" #packages-install?checked_by_default_p=1 append body "<form name='$formName' action='packages-install-2' method='post'>\n" # Client properties do not deplete the limited URL variable space. # But they are limited to the maximum length of a varchar ... ad_set_client_property -clob t apm spec_files $spec_files set errors [list] set pkg_info_list [list] set pkg_key_list [list] apm_log APMDebug "APM: Specification files available: $spec_files" foreach spec_file $spec_files { ### Parse the package. if { [catch { array set package [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] } errmsg] } { lappend errors "<li>Unable to parse $spec_file. The following error was generated: <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]</pre></blockquote><p>" } else { apm_log APMDebug "APM: Adding $package(package.key) to list for installation." lappend pkg_info_list [pkg_info_new $package(package.key) $spec_file \ $package(embeds) $package(extends) $package(provides) $package(requires) ""] lappend pkg_key_list $package(package.key) } } if { $checked_by_default_p } { set widget [apm_package_selection_widget $pkg_info_list $pkg_key_list $operation $formName] } else { set widget [apm_package_selection_widget $pkg_info_list "" $operation $formName] } if {$widget eq ""} { append body \ "There are no packages to [string tolower $operation]." } else { append body \ $widget \ [subst { <div><input type="submit" value="Next -->"></div> </form> }] } if {$errors ne ""} { append body [subst {The following errors were generated: <ul> $errors </ul>}] } } if { [llength $not_compatible_list] > 0 } { ns_log Notice "APM packages-install: Incompatible Packages\n- [join $not_compatible_list "\n- "]" } if { [llength $already_installed_list] > 0 } { ns_log Notice "APM packages-install: Already Installed Packages\n- [join $already_installed_list "\n- "]" } ad_return_template apm # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: