Internationalize a certain adp or Tcl file.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl
- Author:
- Peter Marklund <>
- Created:
- 8 October 2002
$Id: version-i18n-process-2.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:09:19 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl
- packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.adp
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Internationalize a certain adp or Tcl file. @author Peter Marklund ( @creation-date 8 October 2002 @cvs-id $Id: version-i18n-process-2.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:09:19 gustafn Exp $ } { version_id:naturalnum,notnull {files:multiple,notnull} {file_action:multiple} {number_of_keys:integer,notnull ""} {replace_p:boolean,array,notnull ""} {message_keys:array,notnull ""} skip_button:optional } if { [info exists skip_button] } { # The user wants to skip the file so remove it from the file and redirect # to processing the next one set remaining_files [lrange $files 1 end] if { [llength $remaining_files] > 0 } { ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base version-i18n-process {version_id {files:multiple $remaining_files} file_action:multiple}] } else { ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base version-i18n {version_id}] } ad_script_abort } # Create the message key list # The list is needed since replace_adp_tags_with_message_tags proc below takes a list of # keys to do replacements with where an empty key means no replacement. set message_key_list [list] for { set counter 1 } { $counter <= $number_of_keys } { incr counter } { if { [info exists replace_p($counter)] } { if { [info exists message_keys($counter)] && $message_keys($counter) ne "" } { lappend message_key_list $message_keys($counter) } else { ad_return_complaint 1 "<li>Message key number $counter is empty. Cannot replace text with empty key</li>" ad_script_abort } } else { # Empty string indicates no replacement lappend message_key_list "" } } set next_file [lindex $files 0] set page_title "Internationalizing file $next_file" set context_bar [ad_context_bar $page_title] # Figure out which actions to take on the selected adp:s set replace_text_p [expr {"replace_text" in $file_action}] set replace_tags_p [expr {"replace_tags" in $file_action}] # We need either or both of the actions to be selected if { ! $replace_text_p && ! $replace_tags_p } { ad_return_complaint 1 "Invalid HTML Parameters: you must choose an action to take on selected adp files, either replace_text or replace_tags or both." ad_script_abort } # Do text replacement if { $replace_text_p } { # Process the next file in the list set text_file $next_file set number_of_processed_files 1 ns_log Notice "Replacing text in file $text_file with message tags" append processing_html_result "<h3>Text replacements for $text_file</h3>" set adp_text_result_list [lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags "$::acs::rootdir/$text_file" write $message_key_list] lassign $adp_text_result_list text_replacement_list text_untouched_list append processing_html_result "<b>Replaced [llength $text_replacement_list] texts</b>: <br>" foreach text_replacement $text_replacement_list { append processing_html_result "replaced text \"[lindex $text_replacement 1]\" using key [lindex $text_replacement 0] <br>" } if { [llength $text_untouched_list] > 0 } { append processing_html_result "<br> [llength $text_untouched_list] pieces of text were left untouched. Please take note of these texts and do any necessary translations by manually inserting <#message_key text#> tags in the adp file (the message keys should contain only letters and underscores). At a later stage you can then run the action \"Replace tags with text and insert into catalog\" on the file. The texts to consider for translation are: <br>" } else { append processing_html_result "<br> [llength $text_untouched_list] pieces of text were left untouched." } foreach untouched_text $text_untouched_list { append processing_html_result "\"$untouched_text\" <br>" } } # Do tag replacement set total_number_of_replacements "0" if { $replace_tags_p } { if { $replace_text_p } { # We are also replacing text, so only process one adp file set tags_files $next_file set number_of_processed_files 1 } else { # We are only doing tag replacement, so process all files set tags_files $files set number_of_processed_files [llength $files] } foreach file $tags_files { ns_log Notice "Replacing tags in file $file with keys and doing insertion into message catalog" append processing_html_result "<h3>Message tag replacements for $file</h3>" set number_of_replacements [lang::util::replace_temporary_tags_with_lookups $file] set total_number_of_replacements [expr {$total_number_of_replacements + $number_of_replacements}] append processing_html_result "Did $number_of_replacements replacements, see the log file for details" } } # Remove the processed file from the file list. set files [lrange $files $number_of_processed_files end] # The proceed link will be to the next adp file if there is one and back to the I18N page # if we're done set proceed_url_export_vars [export_vars {version_id files:multiple file_action:multiple}] if { [llength $files] > 0 } { # There are no more files to process so present a link back to the i18n page for this version set proceed_url "version-i18n-process?${proceed_url_export_vars}" set proceed_label "<b>Process next adp file</b>" } else { # There are more files to process. This means we are doing text replacements # so present a link back to the page for choosing keys for the next adp file set proceed_url "version-i18n?${proceed_url_export_vars}" set proceed_label "Return to the I18N page for this package" # If we are done with message tag replacement, that means we have added new messages # so reload the cache if { $replace_tags_p && $total_number_of_replacements > 0 } { lang::message::cache } } ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: