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- Location:
- /packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/content-extlink-procs.tcl
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- packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/content-extlink-procs.xql
- packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/content-extlink-procs.tcl
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ad_library { Procedures for content_extlink @author Dave Bauer ( @creation-date 2004-06-09 @cvs-id $Id: content-extlink-procs.tcl,v 2020/08/26 15:17:29 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval ::content::extlink {} d_proc -public content::extlink::copy { -extlink_id:required -target_folder_id:required -creation_user:required {-creation_ip ""} } { @param extlink_id extlink to copy @param target_folder_id folder to copy extlink into @param creation_user @param creation_ip @return 0 } { return [package_exec_plsql -var_list [list \ [list extlink_id $extlink_id ] \ [list target_folder_id $target_folder_id ] \ [list creation_user $creation_user ] \ [list creation_ip $creation_ip ] \ ] content_extlink copy] } d_proc -public content::extlink::new { {-extlink_id ""} -url:required -parent_id:required {-name ""} {-label ""} {-description ""} {-package_id ""} } { Create a new external link. @return 0 } { return [package_exec_plsql -var_list [list \ [list extlink_id $extlink_id ] \ [list url $url ] \ [list parent_id $parent_id ] \ [list name $name ] \ [list label $label ] \ [list description $description ] \ [list package_id $package_id ] \ ] content_extlink new] } d_proc -public content::extlink::edit { -extlink_id:required -url:required -label:required -description:required } { Edit an existing external link. The parameters are required because it is assumed that the caller will be pulling the existing values out of the database before editing them. @param extlink_id Optional pre-assigned object_id for the link @param url The URL of the external resource @param label Label for the extlink (defaults to the URL) @param description An extended description of the link (defaults to NULL) } { set modifying_user [ad_conn user_id] set modifying_ip [ad_conn peeraddr] db_transaction { db_dml extlink_update_object {} db_dml extlink_update_extlink {} } } d_proc -public content::extlink::delete { -extlink_id:required } { @param extlink_id item_id of extlink to delete @return 0 } { content::item::delete -item_id $extlink_id } d_proc -public content::extlink::is_extlink { -item_id:required } { @param item_id item_id to check @return 1 if extlink, otherwise 0 } { return [package_exec_plsql -var_list [list \ [list item_id $item_id ] \ ] content_extlink is_extlink] } d_proc -public content::extlink::name { -item_id:required } { Returns the name of an extlink @param item_id The object id of the item to check. } { return [db_string get {}] } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: