Enables user to see a .sql file without encountering the AOLserver's db module magic (offering to load the SQL into a database) or without returning the SQL as content-type application/x-sql. Patched by philg at Jeff Davis's request on 12/5/99 to close the security hole whereby a client adds extra form vars. Patched on 07/06/2000 by deison to restrict access to only .sql files and only files in /doc or /pageroot. 2000 August 8 Updated for ACS4 packages - richardl@arsdigita.com.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-core-docs/www/sql/display-sql.tcl
- Author:
- philg@mit.edu
- Created:
- 12/19/98
$Id: display-sql.tcl,v 2021/09/02 16:40:50 gustafn Exp $
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Enables user to see a .sql file without encountering the AOLserver's db module magic (offering to load the SQL into a database) or without returning the SQL as content-type application/x-sql. Patched by philg at Jeff Davis's request on 12/5/99 to close the security hole whereby a client adds extra form vars. Patched on 07/06/2000 by deison to restrict access to only .sql files and only files in /doc or /pageroot. 2000 August 8 Updated for ACS4 packages - richardl@arsdigita.com. @param url The full relative path of the file to display the source for. @param package_key The key of the package the file is part of. @author philg@mit.edu @creation-date 12/19/98 @cvs-id $Id: display-sql.tcl,v 2021/09/02 16:40:50 gustafn Exp $ } { url:notnull {package_key:token ""} {db:word ""} } # This is normally a password-protected page, but to be safe let's # check the incoming URL for ".." to make sure that someone isn't # doing # https://photo.net/doc/sql/display-sql.tcl?url=/../../../../etc/passwd # for example if { [string match "*..*" $url] || [string match "*..*" $package_key] } { ad_return_warning "Can't back up beyond the pageroot" "You can't use display-sql.tcl to look at files underneath the pageroot." ad_script_abort } if {$db eq ""} { # if we were not passed a DB string get a list of matching files. set text {<ul>} set files [glob -nocomplain "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/sql/*/$url" "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/sql/$url"] foreach f $files { regexp {([^/]*)/([^/]*)$} $f match db url append text [subst { <li> <a href="[ns_quotehtml [export_vars -base display-sql {db url package_key}]]">$db</a></li> }] } if {$files eq ""} { append text "<li> No SQL file found." } append text {</ul>} set context [list [list ../$package_key $package_key] "SQL Display"] } else { # we have a db. if {$db eq "sql"} { set files [glob -nocomplain "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/sql/$url"] } else { set files [glob -nocomplain "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/sql/$db/$url"] } if {$package_key ne ""} { set safe_p [regexp {/?(.*)} $url package_url] } else { set safe_p 0 } if { $safe_p && [llength $files] > 0 } { ns_returnfile 200 text/plain $files } else { ad_return_warning "Invalid file location" "Can only display files in package or doc directory." } ad_script_abort } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: