Edit and write the CSS file
- Location:
- /packages/acs-developer-support/www/css-edit.tcl
- Author:
- Malte Sussdorff <malte.sussdorff@cognovis.de>
- Created:
- 2007-09-29
$Id: css-edit.tcl,v 1.7 2018/05/15 12:29:10 antoniop Exp $
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Edit and write the CSS file @author Malte Sussdorff (malte.sussdorff@cognovis.de) @creation-date 2007-09-29 @cvs-id $Id: css-edit.tcl,v 1.7 2018/05/15 12:29:10 antoniop Exp $ } { {file_location} {css_location} {return_url:localurl "/"} } -properties { } -validate { } -errors { } ds_require_permission [ad_conn package_id] "admin" if {[file exists $file_location] && [file extension $file_location] eq ".css"} { ad_form -name css-edit -export {file_location css_location} -form { {css_path:text(inform)} {revision_html:text(inform)} {css_content:text(textarea) {html {rows 40 cols 80}} } {css_description:text(text),optional } } -on_request { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set css_path "<a href='[ns_quotehtml $css_location]'>$css_location</a>" set fp [open $file_location "r"] set css_content [read $fp] close $fp set item_id [content::item::get_id_by_name -name $file_location -parent_id $package_id] set revision_html "" if {$item_id ne ""} { append revision_html "<ol>" db_foreach revision {select revision_id, publish_date, description from cr_revisions where item_id = :item_id order by publish_date desc } { if { [content::revision::is_live -revision_id $revision_id] == "t" } { set make_live "<strong>that's live!</strong>" } else { set return_url_2 [ad_return_url] set href [export_vars -base css-make-live -url {revision_id return_url_2 file_location}] set make_live [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">make live!</a>}] } set return_url "" append revision_html [subst { <li><a href="/o/$revision_id">$publish_date</a> \[$make_live\]: [string range $description 0 50]</li> }] } append revision_html "</ol>" file stat $file_location file_stat_arr ns_log Notice " * * * the file $file_location (cr_item_id: $item_id) has that modif time: \[$file_stat_arr(mtime)\]" # todo compare file mtime with live revision time if they # are not the same date, show user a warning recommending # to make a new revision... } else { append revision_html "<em>no revisions yet</em>" } } -on_submit { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] # Create new item if necessary set item_id [content::item::get_id_by_name -name $file_location -parent_id $package_id] if {$item_id eq ""} { # Get the old version to initialize the item with set fp [open "$file_location" "r"] set old_css_content [read $fp] close $fp set item_id [content::item::new -name $file_location \ -parent_id $package_id \ -title "$css_location" \ -description "First revision" \ -text $old_css_content] } # Write the new content to the file if {[file exists $file_location] && [file extension $file_location] eq ".css"} { set fp [open $file_location "w"] puts -nonewline $fp $css_content close $fp } # Store the new revision in the CR content::revision::new -item_id $item_id -title $css_location -description $css_description -is_live "t" -content $css_content } -after_submit { ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } -cancel_url $return_url } else { ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: