
DB Query file

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<?xml version="1.0"?>


<fullquery name="package_create_attribute_list.select_all_attributes">      
	select upper(nvl(attr.table_name,t.table_name)) as attr_table_name, 
	       upper(nvl(attr.column_name, attr.attribute_name)) as attr_column_name, 
	       attr.ancestor_type, attr.min_n_values, attr.default_value
	  from acs_object_type_attributes attr, 
	       (select t.object_type, t.table_name, level as type_level
	          from acs_object_types t
	         start with t.object_type = :object_type
	       connect by prior t.supertype = t.object_type) t
         where attr.ancestor_type = t.object_type
           and attr.object_type = :object_type
        order by t.type_level 

<fullquery name="package_recreate_hierarchy.select_object_types">      
	select t.object_type
	  from acs_object_types t
	 where t.dynamic_p = 't'
	 start with t.object_type = :object_type
       connect by prior t.object_type = t.supertype

<fullquery name="package_create.package_valid_p">      
	    select case when exists (select 1 
                                       from user_objects 
                                      where status = 'INVALID'
                                        and object_name = upper(:package_name)
                                        and object_type = upper(:type))
                        then 0 else 1 end
	      from dual

<fullquery name="package_object_view_reset.select_ancestor_types">      
	select t.object_type as ancestor_type
	  from acs_object_types t 
	 start with t.object_type = :object_type 
       connect by prior t.supertype = t.object_type

<fullquery name="package_object_view_reset.select_sub_types">      
	select t.object_type as sub_type
	  from acs_object_types t 
	 start with t.object_type = :object_type 
       connect by prior t.object_type = t.supertype

<fullquery name="package_object_attribute_list.attributes_select">      
	select a.attribute_id, 
	       nvl(a.table_name, t.table_name) as table_name,
	       nvl(a.column_name, a.attribute_name) as attribute_name, 
	       case when a.min_n_values = 0 then 'f' else 't' end as required_p, 
               t.table_name as object_type_table_name, 
               t.id_column as object_type_id_column
          from acs_object_type_attributes a, 
               (select t.object_type, t.table_name, t.id_column, level as type_level
                  from acs_object_types t
                 start with t.object_type=:start_with
               connect by prior t.object_type = t.supertype) t 
         where a.object_type = :object_type
           and t.object_type = a.ancestor_type $storage_clause
         order by type_level

<fullquery name="package_plsql_args.select_package_func_param_list">      

	select args.argument_name
        from user_arguments args
        where args.position > 0
	  and args.object_name = upper(:object_name)
	  and args.package_name = upper(:package_name)
<fullquery name="package_function_p.function_p">      

	 select 1
	 from dual
         where exists (select 1
	               from user_arguments
		       where rtrim(package_name) = upper(:package_name)
		       and rtrim(object_name) = upper(:object_name)
		       and position = 0)

<fullquery name="package_table_columns_for_type.select_object_type_param_list">      
	select cols.table_name, cols.column_name
	  from user_tab_columns cols, 
	       (select upper(t.table_name) as table_name
	          from acs_object_types t
                 start with t.object_type = :object_type
               connect by prior t.supertype = t.object_type) t
	 where cols.column_name in
	          (select args.argument_name
                     from user_arguments args
                    where args.position > 0
	              and args.object_name = upper(:object_name)
	              and args.package_name = upper(:package_name))
	   and cols.table_name = t.table_name

<fullquery name="package_instantiate_object.create_object">      
      :1 := ${package_name}.new([plsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameter_call \
	      -prepend ":" \
	      -indent [expr [string length $package_name] + 29] \

<fullquery name="package_generate_body.select_supertype_function_params">      
        select args.argument_name
          from user_arguments args
        where args.package_name =upper(:supertype_package_name)
          and args.object_name='NEW'

<partialquery name="package_generate_body.body">      

create or replace package body ${package_name}
  function new ( 
         [plsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameters $attribute_list]
  ) return ${table_name}.${id_column}%TYPE
    v_$id_column ${table_name}.${id_column}%TYPE;

    v_$id_column := ${supertype_package_name}.new (
                     [plsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameter_call_from_attributes \
			     -prepend "new." \
			     -indent 21 \

    insert into ${table_name} 
    ($id_column[plsql_utility::generate_attribute_dml -ignore [list $id_column] $table_name $attribute_list]) 
    (v_$id_column[plsql_utility::generate_attribute_dml -prepend "new." -ignore [list $id_column] $table_name $attribute_list]);

    return v_$id_column;

  end new;

  procedure del (
    $id_column      in ${table_name}.${id_column}%TYPE

    ${supertype_package_name}.del( $package_name.del.$id_column );

  end del;

end ${package_name};

<partialquery name="package_generate_spec.spec">      

create or replace package $package_name as
  function new (
         [plsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameters [package_create_attribute_list \
		 -supertype $supertype \
		 -object_name "NEW" \
		 -table $table_name \
		 -column $id_column \
 ) return ${table_name}.${id_column}%TYPE;

  procedure del (
    $id_column      in ${table_name}.${id_column}%TYPE
END ${package_name};

<fullquery name="package_exec_plsql.exec_func_plsql">
      :1 := ${__package_name}.${__object_name}([plsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameter_call \
	      -prepend ":" \
	      -indent [expr [string length $__package_name] + 29] \

<fullquery name="package_exec_plsql.exec_proc_plsql">      
      ${__package_name}.${__object_name}([plsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameter_call \
	      -prepend ":" \
	      -indent [expr [string length $__package_name] + 29] \