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- /packages/acs-subsite/tcl/plpgsql-utility-procs.tcl
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- packages/acs-subsite/tcl/plpgsql-utility-procs.tcl
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ad_library { Procs to help generate pl/pgsql dynamically @author @creation-date Sun Jul 22 13:51:26 BST 2001 @cvs-id $Id: plpgsql-utility-procs.tcl,v 2021/02/17 08:20:57 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval plpgsql_utility { d_proc -public generate_attribute_parameter_call_from_attributes { { -prepend "" } function_name attr_list } { Wrapper for generate_attribute_parameter_call that formats default attribute list to the right format. @author Michael Bryzek ( @creation-date 11/2000 } { set the_list [list] foreach row $attr_list { lappend the_list [list [lindex $row 1] [lindex $row 3]] } return [generate_attribute_parameter_call -prepend $prepend $function_name $the_list] } ad_proc -private get_function_args {function_name} { uncached version returns list of lists args called from generate_attribute_parameter_call } { return [db_list_of_lists get_function_args {}] } d_proc -public generate_attribute_parameter_call { { -prepend "" } function_name pairs } { Generates the arg list for a call to a pl/pgsql function @author Steve Woodcock ( @creation-date 07/2001 } { # Get the list of real args to the function set real_args [util_memoize [list plpgsql_utility::get_function_args $function_name]] foreach row $pairs { set attr [string trim [lindex $row 0]] set user_supplied([string toupper $attr]) $attr } # This list of reserved default values is needed so we don't # try to quote them. A better alternative might be to use some # notion of datatype (e.g. using # information_schema.parameters) and take an informed decision # based on this. set reserved_default_values { current_date current_timestamp } # For each real arg, append default or supplied arg value set pieces [list] foreach row $real_args { lassign $row arg_name arg_default if { [info exists user_supplied($arg_name)] } { lappend pieces "${prepend}$user_supplied($arg_name)" } elseif { $arg_default eq "" || $arg_default eq "null"} { lappend pieces "NULL" } elseif { [string tolower $arg_default] ni $reserved_default_values } { lappend pieces [ns_dbquotevalue $arg_default] } else { lappend pieces $arg_default } } return [join $pieces ","] } d_proc -deprecated table_column_type { table column } { Returns the datatype for column in table @see db_column_type @author Steve Woodcock ( @creation-date 07/2001 } { return [db_column_type -complain $table $column] } d_proc -public generate_attribute_parameters { { -indent "4" } attr_list } { Generates the arg list to a pl/sql function or procedure @author Michael Bryzek ( @creation-date 11/2000 } { set pieces [list] set arg_num 0 foreach triple $attr_list { incr arg_num set attr [string toupper [string trim [lindex $triple 1]]] lappend pieces [list "p_${attr}" "alias for \$${arg_num}"] } return [plsql_utility::format_pieces -indent $indent -line_term ";" $pieces] } d_proc -public generate_function_signature { attr_list } { Generates the signature for a pl/sql function or procedure @author Steve Woodcock ( @creation-date 07/2001 } { set pieces [list] foreach triple $attr_list { set table [string toupper [string trim [lindex $triple 0]]] set attr [string toupper [string trim [lindex $triple 1]]] set datatype [db_column_type -complain $table $attr] lappend pieces $datatype } return [join $pieces ","] } d_proc -public dollar { } { Return a literal dollar for use in .xql files. } { return "$" } d_proc -public define_function_args { attr_list } { Returns the attribute list as a string suitable for a call to define_function_args. @author Steve Woodcock ( @creation-date 07/2001 } { set pieces [list] foreach triple $attr_list { set attr [string trim [lindex $triple 1]] set dft [string trim [lindex $triple 2]] if { $dft eq "" || $dft eq "NULL" } { set default "" } else { if { [string index $dft 0] eq "'" } { set dft [string range $dft 1 [string length $dft]-2] } set default ";${dft}" } lappend pieces "${attr}${default}" } return [join $pieces ","] } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: