Form to add a group type
- Location:
- /packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/group-types/new.tcl
- Author:
- Created:
- 2000-12-04
$Id: new.tcl,v 2019/03/13 11:22:05 antoniop Exp $
Related Files
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/group-types/new.tcl
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/group-types/new.adp
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/group-types/new-postgresql.xql
- packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/group-types/new-oracle.xql
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File Contents
# /packages/mbryzek-subsite/www/admin/groups/add.tcl ad_page_contract { Form to add a group type @author @creation-date 2000-12-04 @cvs-id $Id: new.tcl,v 2019/03/13 11:22:05 antoniop Exp $ } { { object_type:trim "" } { pretty_name:trim "" } { pretty_plural:trim "" } { supertype:trim "" } { approval_policy:trim "" } } -properties { context:onevalue } set doc(title) [_ acs-subsite.Add_group_type] set context [list [list "[ad_conn package_url]admin/group-types/" [_ acs-subsite.Group_Types]] [_ acs-subsite.Add_type]] template::form create group_type template::element create group_type object_type \ -datatype "text" \ -label [_ acs-subsite.Group_type] \ -html { size 30 maxlength 30 } set supertype_options [db_list_of_lists select_group_supertypes {}] foreach opt $supertype_options { lappend supertype_options_i18n [lang::util::localize $opt] } template::element create group_type supertype \ -datatype "text" \ -widget select \ -options $supertype_options_i18n \ -label [_ acs-subsite.Supertype] template::element create group_type pretty_name \ -datatype "text" \ -label [_ acs-subsite.Pretty_name] \ -html { size 50 maxlength 100 } template::element create group_type pretty_plural \ -datatype "text" \ -label [_ acs-subsite.Pretty_plural] \ -html { size 50 maxlength 100 } set approval_policy_options { { {Open: Users can create groups of this type} open } { {Wait: Users can suggest groups} wait } { {Closed: Only administrators can create groups} closed } } if { [template::form is_valid group_type] } { set exception_count 0 # Verify that the object type (in safe oracle format) is unique set safe_object_type [plsql_utility::generate_oracle_name -max_length 29 $object_type] if { [plsql_utility::object_type_exists_p $safe_object_type] } { incr exception_count append exception_text \ "<li>The specified object type, $object_type, already exists. " \ [expr {$safe_object_type eq $object_type ? "" : "Note that we converted the object type to \"$safe_object_type\" to ensure that the name would be safe for the database."}] \ "Please back up and choose another.</li>" } else { # let's make sure the names are unique if { [db_string pretty_name_unique {}] } { incr exception_count append exception_text \ "<li>The specified pretty name, $pretty_name, already exists. Please enter another </li>" } if { [db_string pretty_name_unique {}] } { incr exception_count append exception_text \ "<li>The specified pretty plural, $pretty_plural, already exists. Please enter another </li>" } } if { $exception_count > 0 } { ad_return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text ad_script_abort } db_transaction { group_type::new -group_type $object_type -supertype $supertype $pretty_name $pretty_plural } ad_returnredirect "" ad_script_abort } ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: