
DB Query file

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

<fullquery name="rel_type_info">      
    select object_type as ancestor_rel_type
      from acs_object_types
     where supertype = 'relationship'
       and object_type in (
               select object_type from acs_object_types
               start with object_type = :rel_type
               connect by object_type = prior supertype


<fullquery name="relations_query">      
select r.rel_id, 
       party_names.party_name as element_name
from (select /*+ ORDERED */ DISTINCT rels.rel_id, object_id_two
      from $extra_tables acs_rels rels, acs_object_party_privilege_map perm
      where perm.object_id = rels.rel_id
        and perm.party_id = :user_id
        and perm.privilege = 'read'
        and rels.rel_type = :rel_type
        and rels.object_id_one = :group_id $extra_where_clauses) r, 
where r.object_id_two = party_names.party_id
order by lower(element_name)

