Generate an HTML version of the given package_id's admin actions. expects to be in a conn.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-tcl/lib/actions.tcl
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ad_include_contract { Generate an HTML version of the given package_id's admin actions. expects to be in a conn. } { package_id:integer package_key:token return_url:localurl } set user_id [ad_conn user_id] multirow create actions type url_stub text title_text long_text if {![catch { lindex [callback -catch -impl $package_key navigation::package_admin -user_id $user_id -package_id $package_id -return_url $return_url] 0 } action_list]} { foreach action $action_list { if {[lindex $action 0] eq "LINK"} { lassign $action type stub text title long multirow append actions $type "$base_url$stub" $text $title $long } elseif {[lindex $action 0] eq "SECTION"} { lassign $action type title long multirow append actions $type {} {} $title $long } else { error "actions.tcl: type [lindex $action 0] unknown" } } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: