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- Location:
- /packages/acs-tcl/tcl/application-link-procs.tcl
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- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/application-link-procs.xql
- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/application-link-procs.tcl
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- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/application-link-procs-oracle.xql
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File Contents
ad_library { Procs of application linking @author Timo Hentschel ( @creation-date 2005-05-23 } namespace eval application_link {} d_proc -public application_link::new { -this_package_id:required -target_package_id:required } { Create a new link between this_package_id and target_package_id. @param this_package_id ID of the package that you want linked to the target package. @param target_package_id The ID of the target package. } { if {[catch {ad_conn user_id} user_id]} { set user_id 0 } if {[catch {ad_conn peeraddr} id_addr]} { set id_addr } set result [db_exec_plsql create_forward_link {}] db_exec_plsql create_backward_link {} return $result } d_proc -public application_link::delete_links { -package_id:required } { Delete application links for all packages linking to the given package_id. @param package_id Package ID that you want application links removed from. } { set rel_ids [db_list linked_packages {}] foreach rel_id $rel_ids { relation_remove $rel_id } } d_proc -public application_link::get { -package_id:required } { Retrieves a list of package_ids for all applications linked to the given package_id. @return List of linked package ids. } { return [db_list linked_packages {}] } d_proc -public application_link::get_linked { -from_package_id:required -to_package_key:required } { Gets the ID for the application linked to from_package_id and matches the to_package_key. @param from_package_id Object ID of linked-from application. @param to_package_key Package key of linked-to application. @return package_id of linked package. } { return [db_list linked_package {}] } ad_proc -private ::install::xml::action::application-link { node } { Create an application link: <p><application-link from-package-id="<em>from-package-id</em>" to-package-id="<em>to-package-id</em>"/></p> } { set id [apm_attribute_value -default "" $node id] set this_package_url [apm_attribute_value \ -default "" \ $node \ this_package_url] set target_package_url [apm_attribute_value \ -default "" \ $node \ target_package_url] set from_package_id [apm_attribute_value -default "" $node from-package-id] set to_package_id [apm_attribute_value -default "" $node to-package-id] if {$this_package_url ne "" } { set this_package_id [site_node::get_element -url $this_package_url \ -element package_id] } elseif {$from_package_id ne "" } { set this_package_id [install::xml::util::get_id $from_package_id] } else { error "application-link tag must specify either this_package_url or from-package-id" } if {$target_package_url ne "" } { set target_package_id [site_node::get_element -url $target_package_url \ -element package_id] } elseif {$to_package_id ne "" } { set target_package_id [install::xml::util::get_id $to_package_id] } else { error "application-link tag must specify either target_package_url or to-package-id" } set link_id [application_link::new -this_package_id $this_package_id \ -target_package_id $target_package_id] if {![string is space $id]} { set ::install::xml::ids($id) $link_id } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: