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- /packages/acs-templating/tcl/paginator-procs.tcl
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ad_library { Query paginator for the ArsDigita Templating System @author Karl Goldstein ( @cvs-id $Id: paginator-procs.tcl,v 1.36 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } # Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation # This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public # License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: # namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::paginator {} ad_proc -public template::paginator { command args } { pagination object. Please see the individual command for their arguments. @see template::paginator @see template::paginator::create @see template::paginator::get_context @see template::paginator::get_data @see template::paginator::get_query @see template::paginator::get_display_info @see template::paginator::get_group @see template::paginator::get_group_count @see template::paginator::get_groups @see template::paginator::get_page @see template::paginator::get_page_count @see template::paginator::get_pages @see template::paginator::get_pages_info @see template::paginator::get_row @see template::paginator::get_row_count @see template::paginator::get_row_ids @see template::paginator::get_row_last @see template::paginator::reset } { paginator::$command {*}$args } ad_proc -public template::paginator::create { statement_name name query args } { Creates a paginator object. Performs an initial query to get the complete list of rows in the query result and caches the result for subsequent queries. @param statement_name A query name. This is overwritten by the contents of the "query" parameter if it is not the empty string. @param name A unique name corresponding to the query being paginated, including specific values in the where clause and sorting specified in the order by clause. @param query The actual query that returns the IDs of all rows in the results. Bind variables may be used. @option timeout The lifetime of a query result in seconds, after which the query must be refreshed (if not reset). @option pagesize The number of rows to display on a single page. @option groupsize The number of pages in a group, for UI purposes. This is useful for result sets which span several pages. For example, if you have 1000 results at 10 results per page, that will leave you with 100 pages and you may not want to display 1-100 in the UI. In this case, setting a groupsize of 10 will allow you to display pages 1-10, then 11-20, and so on. The default groupsize is 10. @option contextual Boolean indicating whether the pagination interface presented to the user will provide some other contextual clue in addition or instead of page number, such as the first few letters of a title or date. By default, the second column in the result set returned by query will be used as the context. @option page_offset The first page in a set of page groups to be created by this paginator. This can be used to slice very large sets of page groups into paginators, cached separately (be sure to name each page group's paginator uniquely if you're caching pagination query results). Very useful since filling the cache for an entire set of page groups can be very costly, and since often only the first few pages of items (for instance, forum threads) are visited through the pagination interface. The list builder provides an example of how to do this. } { set level [template::adp_level] variable parse_level set parse_level $level # maintain paginator properties in stack frame of current template upvar #$level pq:$name:properties opts variable defaults array set opts $defaults template::util::get_opts $args set cache_key $name:$query set row_ids [template::cache get $cache_key:row_ids] # full number of rows returned by original paginator query set full_row_count [template::cache get $cache_key:full_row_count] # # GN: In the following line, we had instead of [::cache exists # $cache_key] the commdand [nsv_exists __template_cache_timeout # $cache_key] It is not clear, what the intended semantic was, and # why not the API working on the nsv was used. See as well # below. In general, using a test for a cache entry and a code # depending on the cached entry is NOT AN GOOD idea, since the # operations are not atomic. Between the check and the later code, # the cache entry might be deleted. refactoring of this code is # recommended. Unfortunately, several places in OpenACS have this # problem. # if { ($row_ids eq {} && ![template::cache exists $cache_key]) || ([info exists opts(flush_p)] && $opts(flush_p) == "t") } { if { [info exists opts(printing_prefs)] && $opts(printing_prefs) ne "" } { lassign $opts(printing_prefs) title stylesheet background header_file footer_file return_url if { $stylesheet ne "" } { set css_link [subst {<link rel="stylesheet" href="[ns_quotehtml $stylesheet]" type="text/css">}] } else { set css_link "" } if { $background ne "" } { set bg "background=\"$background\"" } else { set bg "" } ad_return_top_of_page [subst { <html> <head> <title>$title</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> $css_link </head> <body $bg> }] if { $header_file ne "" } { ns_write [ns_adp_parse -file $header_file] } ns_write [lindex $opts(printing_prefs) 6] init $statement_name $name $query 1 ns_write [lindex $opts(printing_prefs) 7] if { $footer_file ne "" } { ns_write [ns_adp_parse -file $footer_file] } if { $return_url ne "" } { # Not sure, what the intended semantics of this command was... #if { [llength $opts(row_ids)]==0 } { # nsv_set __template_cache_timeout $cache_key $opts(timeout) #} ns_write [subst { <script type="text/javascript" nonce="[security::csp::nonce]"> document.location.href="[ns_quotehtml $return_url]"; </script> <noscript><a href="[ns_quotehtml $return_url]">Click here to continue.</a></noscript> }] } ad_script_abort } else { init $statement_name $name $query } } else { set opts(row_ids) $row_ids set opts(full_row_count) $full_row_count set opts(context_ids) [template::cache get $cache_key:context_ids] } set opts(row_count) [llength $opts(row_ids)] set opts(page_count) [expr {[get_page $name $opts(row_count)] + $opts(page_offset)}] set opts(group_count) [get_group $name $opts(page_count)] } ad_proc -private template::paginator::init { statement_name name query {print_p 0} } { Initialize a paginated query. Only called by create. } { get_reference # query for an ordered list of all row identifiers to cache # perform the query in the calling scope so bind variables have effect upvar 2 __paginator_ids ids set ids [list] set full_statement_name [uplevel 2 "db_qd_get_fullname $statement_name"] # Antonio Pisano 2015-11-17: to get the full rowcount of the records, # we need to wrap the original query into a count(*). The problem comes # with template::list, that builds the paginator query tampering with # the original one, so if we come here from a template::list we cannot # retrieve the real count anymore. I had to come out with a solution # that wouldn't break existing contract for public procs, or this would # have caused unpredictable regressions. Below is the strategy to get # the original query. # If query comes from an xql we get it from there... set original_query [db_map $full_statement_name] # ...otherwise we try to see if we come from a template::list... if {$original_query eq ""} { # ...which was slightly modified to keep the original query untampered. set list_name [lindex [split $name ,] 0] if {[info exists ::[template::list::get_refname -name $list_name]]} { template::list::get_reference -name $list_name set original_query $list_properties(page_query_original) } } # If any of the previous fail, we go for the explicit query if {$original_query eq ""} { set original_query $query } if { [info exists properties(contextual)] } { # query contains two columns, one for ID and one for context cue uplevel 2 " # Can't use db_foreach here, since we need to use the ns_set directly. db_with_handle db { set selection \[db_exec select \$db $full_statement_name {$query}\] set __paginator_ids \[list\] set total_so_far 1 while { \[db_getrow \$db \$selection\] } { set this_result \[ns_set values \$selection\] if { $print_p } { if { \$total_so_far % 250 == 0 } { ns_write \"…\$total_so_far \" } if { \$total_so_far % 3000 == 0 } { ns_write \"<br>\" } } incr total_so_far lappend __paginator_ids \$this_result } if { $print_p } { ns_write \"…\[expr \$total_so_far - 1\]\" } } " set i 0 set page_size $properties(pagesize) set context_ids [list] set row_ids "" foreach row $ids { lappend row_ids [lindex $row 0] if { $i % $page_size == 0 } { lappend context_ids [lindex $row 1] } incr i } set properties(context_ids) $context_ids template::cache set $name:$query:context_ids $context_ids $properties(timeout) set properties(row_ids) $row_ids template::cache set $name:$query:row_ids $row_ids $properties(timeout) } else { uplevel 2 " # Can't use db_foreach here, since we need to use the ns_set directly. db_with_handle db { set selection \[db_exec select \$db $statement_name \"$query\"\] set __paginator_ids \[list\] set total_so_far 1 while { \[db_getrow \$db \$selection\] } { set this_result \[ns_set values \$selection \] if { $print_p } { if { \$total_so_far % 250 == 0 } { ns_write \"...\$total_so_far \" } if { \$total_so_far % 3000 == 0 } { ns_write \"<br>\" } } incr total_so_far lappend __paginator_ids \$this_result } if { $print_p } { ns_write \"...\[expr \$total_so_far - 1\]\" } } " set properties(row_ids) $ids template::cache set $name:$query:row_ids $ids $properties(timeout) } # Get full number of rows retrieved by original paginator query set full_row_count [uplevel 3 [list db_string query [db_map count_query]]] set properties(full_row_count) $full_row_count template::cache set $name:$query:full_row_count $full_row_count $properties(timeout) } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_page { name rownum } { Calculates the page on which the specified row is located. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param rownum A number ranging from one to the number of rows in the query result, representing the number of a row therein. @return A number ranging from one to the number of pages in the query result, representing the number of the page the specified row is located in. } { get_reference set pagesize $properties(pagesize) return [expr {($rownum - 1 - (($rownum - 1) % $pagesize)) / $pagesize + 1}] } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_row { name pagenum } { Calculates the first row displayed on a page. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param pagenum A number ranging from one to the number of pages in the query result, representing the number of a page therein. @return A number ranging from one to the number of rows in the query result, representing the number of the first row on the specified page. } { get_reference return [expr {($pagenum - 1) * $properties(pagesize) + 1}] } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_row_last { name pagenum } { Calculates the last row displayed on a page. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param pagenum A number ranging from one to the number of pages in the query result, representing the number of a page therein. @return A number ranging from one to the number of rows in the query result, representing the number of the last row on the specified page. } { get_reference set page_count $properties(page_count) if {$page_count == $pagenum} { return $properties(row_count) } else { return [expr {$pagenum * $properties(pagesize)}] } } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_group { name pagenum } { Calculates the page group in which the specified page is located. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param pagenum A number ranging from one to the number of pages in the query result. @return A number ranging from one to the number of groups in the query result, as determined by both the page size and the group size. This number represents the page group number that the specified page lies in. } { get_reference set groupsize $properties(groupsize) return [expr {($pagenum - 1 - (($pagenum - 1) % $groupsize)) / $groupsize + 1}] } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_row_ids { name pagenum } { Gets a list of IDs in a page, selected from the master ID list generated by the initial query submitted for pagination. IDs are typically primary key values. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param pagenum A number ranging from one to the number of pages in the query result. @return A Tcl list of row identifiers. } { get_reference set pagesize $properties(pagesize) set page_offset $properties(page_offset) # get the set of ids for the current page set start [expr {($pagenum - $page_offset - 1) * $pagesize}] set end [expr {$start + $pagesize - 1}] set ids [lrange $properties(row_ids) $start $end] return $ids } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_all_row_ids { name } { Gets a list of IDs in the master ID list generated by the initial query submitted for pagination. IDs are typically primary key values. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @return A Tcl list of row identifiers. } { get_reference return $properties(row_ids) } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_pages { name group } { Gets a list of pages in a group, truncating if appropriate at the end. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param group A number ranging from one to the number of page groups in the query result. @return A Tcl list of page numbers. } { get_reference set group_count $properties(group_count) set group_size $properties(groupsize) set page_count $properties(page_count) if { $group > $group_count } { if { $group_count == 0 } { return "" } error "Group out of bounds ($group > $group_count)" } set start [expr {($group - 1) * $group_size + 1}] set end [expr {$start + $group_size - 1}] if { $end > $page_count } { set end $page_count } set pages [list] for { set i $start } { $i <= $end } { incr i } { lappend pages $i } return $pages } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_groups { name group count } { Determines the set of groups to which a group belongs, and calculates the starting page of each group in that set. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param group A number ranging from one to the number of page groups in the query result. @param count The desired size of the group set. @return A Tcl list of page numbers. } { get_reference set group_count $properties(group_count) set page_count $properties(page_count) set group_size $properties(groupsize) set page_size $properties(pagesize) if { $group > $group_count } { if { $group_count == 0 } { return "" } error "Group out of bounds ($group > $group_count)" } set first [expr {($group - 1 - (($group - 1) % $count)) / $count + 1}] set start [expr {($first - 1) * $group_size + 1}] set end [expr {$start + $group_size * $page_size - 1}] if { $end > $page_count } { set end $page_count) } set pages [list] for { set i $start } { $i <= $end } { incr i $group_size } { lappend pages $i } return $pages } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_context { name datasource pages } { Gets the context cues for a set of pages in the form of a multirow data source with 3 columns: rownum (starting with 1); page (number of the page); and context (a short string such as the first few letters of a name or title). The context cues may be used in the paging interface along with or instead of page numbers. This command is only valid if the contextual option is specified when creating the paginator. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param datasource The name of the multirow datasource to create @param pages A Tcl list of page numbers. } { get_reference if { ! [info exists properties(context_ids)] } { error "Invalid command (contextual option not specified)" } set context_ids $properties(context_ids) upvar 2 $datasource:rowcount rowcount set rowcount 0 upvar 2 $datasource:columns columns set columns { page context } foreach page $pages { incr rowcount upvar 2 $datasource:$rowcount row set row(rownum) $rowcount set row(page) $page set row(context) [lindex $context_ids $page-1] } } # DEDS: we can get away without this, but i'm throwing it in anyway # as it makes life easier for non-contextual pagination ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_pages_info { name datasource pages } { Gets the page information for a set of pages in the form of a multirow data source with 2 columns: rownum (starting with 1); and page (number of the page). This is a counterpart for get_context when using page objects that are non-contextual. Using this makes it easier to switch from contextual to non-contextual so that less modification is needed on adp template pages. Think in terms of taking out the display of one element in a multirow datasource as compared to converting an adp to handle a list datasource instead of a multirow datasource. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param datasource The name of the multirow datasource to create @param pages A Tcl list of page numbers. } { get_reference upvar 2 $datasource:rowcount rowcount set rowcount 0 upvar 2 $datasource:columns columns set columns { page } foreach page $pages { incr rowcount upvar 2 $datasource:$rowcount row set row(rownum) $rowcount set row(page) $page } } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_row_count { name } { Gets the total number of records in the paginated query @param name The reference to the paginator object. @return A number representing the row count. } { get_reference return $properties(row_count) } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_full_row_count { name } { Gets the total number of records returned by the original paginator query. This is the 'true' row_count, which won't be limited to number_of_pages * rows_per_page. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @return A number representing the full row count. } { get_reference return $properties(full_row_count) } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_page_count { name } { Gets the total number of pages in the paginated query @param name The reference to the paginator object. @return A number representing the page count. } { get_reference return $properties(page_count) } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_group_count { name } { Gets the total number of groups in the paginated query @param name The reference to the paginator object. @return A number representing the group count. } { get_reference return $properties(group_count) } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_display_info { name datasource page } { Make paginator display properties available as a onerow data source: <table> <tr> <td>next_page:</td> <td>following page or empty string if at end</td> </tr> <tr> <td>previous_page:</td> <td>preceding page or empty string if at beginning</td> </tr> <tr> <td>next_group:</td> <td>page that begins the next page group or empty string if at end</td> </tr> <tr> <td>previous_group:</td> <td>page that begins the last page group or empty string if at endl.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>page_count:</td> <td>the number of pages</td> </tr> </table> @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param datasource The name of the onerow datasource to create @param page A page number representing the reference point from which the display properties are calculated. } { get_reference upvar 2 $datasource info if { $page > $properties(page_count) } { set page $properties(page_count) } set group [get_group $name $page] set groupsize $properties(groupsize) set info(page_count) $properties(page_count) set info(group_count) $properties(group_count) set info(current_page) $page set info(current_group) $group set info(groupsize) $groupsize array set info { next_page {} previous_page {} next_group {} previous_group {} next_page_context {} previous_page_context {} next_group_context {} previous_group_context {} } if { $page > 1 } { set info(previous_page) [expr {$page - 1}] } if { $page < $properties(page_count) } { set info(next_page) [expr {$page + 1}] } if { $group > 1 && $groupsize > 1 } { set info(previous_group) [expr {($group - 2) * $groupsize + 1}] } if { $group < $properties(group_count) && $groupsize > 1 } { set info(next_group) [expr {$group * $groupsize + 1}] } # If the paginator is contextual, set the context if { [info exists properties(context_ids)] } { foreach elm { next_page previous_page next_group previous_group } { if { [info exists info($elm)] && $info($elm) ne "" } { set info(${elm}_context) [lindex $properties(context_ids) $info($elm)-1] } } } } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_data { statement_name name datasource query id_column page } { Sets a multirow data source with data for the rows on the current page. The pseudocolumn "all_rownum" is added to each row, indicating the index of the row relative to all rows across all pages. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param datasource The name of the datasource to create. @param query The query to execute, containing IN (CURRENT_PAGE_SET). @param id_column The name of the ID column in the display query (required to order rows properly). } { set ids [get_row_ids $name $page] # calculate the base row number for the page upvar 2 __page_firstrow firstrow set firstrow [get_row $name $page] # build a hash of row order to order the rows on the page upvar 2 __page_order row_order template::util::list_to_lookup $ids row_order # substitute the current page set if { $query eq "" } { set query [uplevel 2 "db_map ${statement_name}_partial"] } set in_list [::ns_dbquotelist $ids] if { ! [regsub CURRENT_PAGE_SET $query $in_list query] } { error "Token CURRENT_PAGE_SET not found in page data query ${statement_name}_partial: $query" } if {$in_list eq ""} { uplevel 2 "set $datasource:rowcount 0" return } # execute the query such that the unsorted data source is created in the # current stack frame. Generate a multirow data source in the calling # stack frame as we go, using the order lookup created above to ensure # that the rows are properly sorted. Do it in the calling stack frame # so that bind variables may be used. uplevel 2 " set __page_cnt 0 db_foreach $statement_name \"$query\" -column_array row { incr __page_cnt set i \$__page_order(\$row($id_column)) upvar 0 $datasource:\$i __page_sorted_row array set __page_sorted_row \[array get row\] set __page_sorted_row(rownum) \[expr \$i + \$__page_firstrow - 1\] } set $datasource:rowcount \${__page_cnt} " # uplevel 2 " # db_multirow __page_data $statement_name \"$query\" { # set i \$__page_order(\$row($id_column)) # upvar 0 $datasource:\$i __page_sorted_row # array set __page_sorted_row \[array get row\] # set __page_sorted_row(rownum) \[expr \$i + \$__page_firstrow - 1\] # } # set $datasource:rowcount \${__page_data:rowcount} # " } ad_proc -public template::paginator::get_query { name id_column page } { Returns a query with the data for the rows on the current page. @param name The reference to the paginator object. @param id_column The name of the ID column in the display query (required to order rows properly). } { set ids [get_row_ids $name $page] if { $ids ne "" } { # calculate the base row number for the page upvar 2 __page_firstrow firstrow set firstrow [get_row $name $page] # build a hash of row order to order the rows on the page upvar 2 __page_order row_order template::util::list_to_lookup $ids row_order set query "CURRENT_PAGE_SET" set in_list [::ns_dbquotelist $ids] if { ! [regsub CURRENT_PAGE_SET $query $in_list query] } { error "Token CURRENT_PAGE_SET not found." } if {$in_list eq ""} { uplevel 2 "set $datasource:rowcount 0" return } # Return the query with CURRENT_PAGE_SET slugged return $query } else { return "null" } } ad_proc -public template::paginator::reset { name query } { Resets the cache for a query. } { template::cache flush $name:$query:context_ids template::cache flush $name:$query:row_ids } ad_proc -private template::paginator::get_reference {} { Get a reference to the paginator properties (internal helper) } { uplevel { variable parse_level set level $parse_level upvar #$level pq:$name:properties properties if { ! [array exists properties] } { error "Paginator does not exist" } } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: