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- /packages/acs-templating/tcl/widget-procs.tcl
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ad_library { Form widgets for the ArsDigita Templating System @author Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) @author Stanislav Freidin (sfreidin@arsdigita.com) @cvs-id $Id: widget-procs.tcl,v 1.66 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } # Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation # This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public # License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: # http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::widget {} namespace eval template::data {} namespace eval template::data::transform {} d_proc -public template::widget::merge_tag_attributes { element_reference tag_attributes } { Consolidates the logics to compute the final tag attributes by merging those explicitly supplied and those in the element definition. @return dict } { upvar $element_reference element if { [info exists element(html)] } { foreach {key value} $element(html) { dict lappend tag_attributes $key {*}$value } } return $tag_attributes } ad_proc -public template::widget {} { The template::widget namespace contains the code for the various input widgets. @see template::widget::ampmFragment @see template::widget::block @see template::widget::button @see template::widget::checkbox @see template::widget::checkbox_text @see template::widget::color @see template::widget::comment @see template::widget::currency @see template::widget::date @see template::widget::dateFragment @see template::widget::email @see template::widget::file @see template::widget::hidden @see template::widget::inform @see template::widget::input @see template::widget::menu @see template::widget::monthFragment @see template::widget::multiselect @see template::widget::number @see template::widget::numericRange @see template::widget::password @see template::widget::party_search @see template::widget::radio @see template::widget::radio_text @see template::widget::search @see template::widget::select @see template::widget::select_text @see template::widget::submit @see template::widget::tel @see template::widget::text @see template::widget::textarea @see template::widget::url @see template::element::create @see template::util::richtext } - ad_proc -public template::widget::party_search { element_reference tag_attributes } { A widget that searches for parties (persons, groups and relational_segments) and lets the user select one from the search results. <p> It only searches in all parties from the system currently. It should probably be extended to allow one to restrict the search to a specific subsite, as well as searching only for groups or persons. @author Tilmann Singer } { upvar $element_reference element if { ![info exists element(options)] } { # initial submission or no data (no options): a text box set output [input text element $tag_attributes] } else { set output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(id):select\" value=\"t\" >" append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(id):search_string\" value=\"$element(search_string)\" >" if { ![info exists element(confirmed_p)] } { append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(id):confirmed_p\" value=\"t\" >" } append output [select $element_reference $tag_attributes] } return $output } d_proc -public template::data::validate::party_search { value_ref message_ref } { Validate the party search entry form. @param value_ref A reference to the value input by the user. @param message_ref A reference to the form element error field. @return true - all input for this datatype is valid. } { return 1 } d_proc -private template::data::transform::party_search { element_ref } { Do the actual search of parties using the input value and return a list of lists consisting of (party_name, party_id). DRB: The blank string check should actually be in the validate procedure. @param element_ref Reference variable to the form element. @return search result or error } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) set value [string trim [ns_queryget $element_id]] set is_optional [info exists element(optional)] if { $value eq "" } { if { [string is true $is_optional] } { return "" } else { template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element_id "Please enter a search string." return [list] } } if {$value eq ":search:"} { # user has selected 'search again' previously template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element_id "Please enter a search string." return [list] } if { [ns_queryexists $element_id:search_string] } { # request comes from a page with a select widget and the # search string has been passed as hidden value set search_string [ns_queryget $element_id:search_string] set element(search_string) $search_string # the value to be returned set value [ns_queryget $element_id] } else { # request is an initial search set search_string $value set element(search_string) $value } # search in persons set persons [db_list_of_lists search_persons {}] # search in groups and relsegs set groups_relsegs [db_list_of_lists search_groups_relsegs {}] # Localize the groups set groups_relsegs [lang::util::localize_list_of_lists -list $groups_relsegs] if { [llength $persons] == 0 && [llength $groups_relsegs] == 0 } { # no search results so return text entry back to the user unset -nocomplain element(options) template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element_id [subst { No matches were found for "[ns_quotehtml $search_string]".<br>Please try again. }] } else { # we need to return a select list set options [list] if { [llength $persons] > 0 } { set options $persons lappend options [list "---" ""] } if { [llength $groups_relsegs] > 0 } { lappend options {*}$groups_relsegs [list "---" ""] } set element(options) [concat $options { { "Search again..." ":search:" } }] if { ![info exists value] } { # set value to first item set value [lindex $options 0 1] } if { ![ns_queryexists $element_id:confirmed_p] } { template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element_id "Please choose an entry." } } if { [info exists element(result_datatype)] && [ns_queryexists $element_id:select] } { set element(datatype) $element(result_datatype) } return $value } d_proc -public template::widget::search { element_reference tag_attributes } { Return a widget consisting of either a search box or a search pull-down list. Here is an example of using the search widget with ad_form: <pre> ad_form -name test -form { {user:search,optional {result_datatype integer} {label "Email"} {help_text "Search for a user by email address"} {search_query { select email from cc_users where lower(email) like '%'||lower(:value)||'%' }} } } </pre> Can be either a select widget initially if options supplied or a search box which on submit changes to a select widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes If the "options" attribute is passed in, a select widget is created, otherwise a search box. @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element if { ! [info exists element(options)] } { # initial submission or no data (no options): a search box set output [input search element $tag_attributes] } else { # options provided so use a select list # include an extra hidden element to indicate that the # value is being selected as opposed to entered set output "" append output \ [subst {\n<input type="hidden" name="$element(id):select" value="t">}] \ [select element $tag_attributes] } return $output } d_proc -public template::widget::textarea { element_reference tag_attributes } { A widget for the HTML form input textarea element. Includes spellchecker. @see template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties @param element_reference Reference to the form element. @param tag_attributes Html attributes to set in the widget. @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] if { [info exists element(value)] } { set value $element(value) } else { set value {} } if { [info exists element(mode)] } { set mode $element(mode) } else { set mode {} } set attributes(id) $element(name) set output [textarea_internal $element(name) attributes $value $mode] # Spell-checker array set spellcheck [template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties -element_ref element] if { $element(mode) eq "edit" && $spellcheck(render_p) } { append output "<br>[_ acs-templating.Spellcheck]: [menu "$element(id).spellcheck" [nsv_get spellchecker lang_options] $spellcheck(selected_option) {}]" } return $output } d_proc -private template::widget::textarea_internal { name attribute_reference {value {}} {mode edit} {tag textarea} } { Do the actual construction of a textarea widget, called by various user-callable widgets. @param name Name of the widget. @param attribute_reference Reference variable to the tag_attributes passed to the calling widget proc. @param value Optional value @param mode If edit, output the textarea HTML, otherwise pass along the value (if it exists) in a hidden HTML input tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $attribute_reference attributes if { $mode ne "edit" } { set output "" if { $value ne "" } { append output \ [ns_quotehtml $value] \ [subst {<input type="hidden" name="$name" value="[ns_quotehtml $value]">}] } } else { if {$tag ne "textarea"} { set output "<$tag" } else { set output "<textarea name=\"$name\"" } foreach attribute_name [array names attributes] { if {$attributes($attribute_name) eq ""} { append output " $attribute_name" } else { append output " $attribute_name=\"[ns_quotehtml $attributes($attribute_name)]\"" } } append output ">[ns_quotehtml $value]</$tag>" } return $output } ad_proc -public template::widget::inform { element_reference tag_attributes } { A static information widget that does not submit any data } { upvar $element_reference element if { [info exists element(noquote)] } { return $element(value) } else { return [ns_quotehtml $element(value)] } } d_proc -public template::widget::input { type element_reference tag_attributes } { General proc used by a wide variety of widgets to output input HTML tags. @param type The type of widget (checkbox, radio, text etc) @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to hang on the input tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] if { ( $type eq "checkbox" || $type eq "radio" ) && [info exists element(value)] } { # This can be used in the form template in a <label for="id">...</label> tag. set attributes(id) "$element(form_id):elements:$element(name):$element(value)" } elseif { $type in {"password" "text" "button" "file" }} { set attributes(id) "$element(name)" } # Handle display mode of visible normal form elements, i.e. not hidden, not submit, not button, not clear if { $element(mode) ne "edit" && $type ni { hidden submit button clear checkbox radio } } { set output "" if { [info exists element(value)] } { append output [ns_quotehtml $element(value)] append output [subst {<input type="hidden" name="$element(name)" value="[ns_quotehtml $element(value)]">}] } } else { set output [subst {<input type="$type" name="$element(name)"}] if { $element(mode) ne "edit" && $type ni { hidden submit button clear } } { append output " disabled" } elseif { ![info exists element(optional)] && $type ni { hidden submit button clear } } { append output " required" } if { [info exists element(value)] } { append output [subst { value="[ns_quotehtml $element(value)]"}] } foreach name [array names attributes] { if {$attributes($name) eq {}} { append output " $name" } else { append output [subst { $name="$attributes($name)"}] } } if { [info exists element(maxlength)] } { append output [subst { maxlength="$element(maxlength)"}] } append output " >" } return $output } d_proc -public template::widget::text { element_reference tag_attributes } { Generate a text widget (not to be confused with textarea) @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element # Spell-checker array set spellcheck [template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties -element_ref element] if { $element(mode) eq "edit" && $spellcheck(render_p) } { return "[input text element $tag_attributes] <br>[_ acs-templating.Spellcheck]: [menu "$element(id).spellcheck" [nsv_get spellchecker lang_options] $spellcheck(selected_option) {}]" } else { return [input text element $tag_attributes] } } d_proc -public template::widget::file { element_reference tag_attributes } { Generate a file widget. @see template::util::file_transform @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] # # If the multiple flag is set for the element, we allow more than one file # in the widget, by using the HTML5 'multiple' attribute of the 'input' tag # if { [info exists element(multiple)] } { set attributes(multiple) {} } return [input file element [array get attributes]] } d_proc -public template::widget::password { element_reference tag_attributes } { Generate a password input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input password element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::hidden { element_reference tag_attributes } { @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element # Antonio Pisano: # before 2015-09-03 we didn't enter this 'if' when element(value) existed. # This means that even if we had multiple values in element(values) those # were ignored, preventing the export of multiple values by hidden formfields. # I changed this by saying that field is multiple whenever element(values) # exists and is not null. if { [info exists element(values)] && $element(values) ne "" } { #ns_log notice "hidden form element with multiple values: <$element(values)>" set output {} set count 0 foreach itemvalue $element(values) { append output [subst { <input type="hidden" id="$element(form_id):$element(name):$count" name="$element(name)" value="[ns_quotehtml $itemvalue]"> }] incr count } return $output } else { # # Standard case # return [input hidden element $tag_attributes] } } d_proc -public template::widget::submit { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a submit input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element # always ignore value for submit widget set element(value) $element(label) dict lappend tag_attributes class prevent-double-click return [input submit element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::attachment { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render an attachment input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element set output [input file element $tag_attributes] set element(name) $element(attach_name) set element(label) $element(attach_label) set element(html) $element(attach_html) append output [submit element $tag_attributes] return $output } d_proc -public template::widget::checkbox { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a checkbox input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input checkbox element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::radio { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a radio input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input radio element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::button { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a button input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input button element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::menu { widget_name options_list values_list attribute_reference {mode edit} {widget_type select} } { Render a menu widget (a "select" dropdown menu by default). @param widget_name Name of the widget @param options_list List of option/value pairs (i.e. dropdown menu items) @param values_list List of values (i.e. the selected default value) @param attribute_reference Reference variable to the caller's tag_attributes param @param mode If "edit" the widget is rendered, otherwise values are passed along using hidden input HTML tags @param widget_type Select, checkbox, etc @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $attribute_reference attributes # Create an array for easier testing of selected values template::util::list_to_lookup $values_list values set output {} if { $mode ne "edit" } { set selected_list [list] foreach option $options_list { lassign $option label value if { [info exists values($value)] } { lappend selected_list $label append output [subst {<input type="hidden" name="$widget_name" value="[ns_quotehtml $value]">}] } } append output [join $selected_list ", "] } else { switch -exact -- $widget_type { checkbox - radio { if {![info exists attributes(multiple)]} { set widget_type radio } foreach option $options_list { lassign $option label value append output [subst { <input type="$widget_type" name="$widget_name" value="[ns_quotehtml $value]"}] if { [info exists values($value)] } { append output { checked="checked"} } append output [subst {>[ns_quotehtml $label]<br>\n}] } } default { append output [subst {<select name="$widget_name" id="$widget_name" }] foreach name [array names attributes] { if {$attributes($name) eq {}} { append output [subst { $name="$name"}] } else { append output [subst { $name="$attributes($name)"}] } } append output ">\n" foreach option $options_list { lassign $option label value append output [subst { <option value="[ns_quotehtml $value]"}] if { [info exists values($value)] } { append output [subst { selected="selected"}] } # The option element contains "normal" character data, # which must not contain any "<". For details, see: # https://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/syntax.html#normal-character-data append output [subst {>[string map {< "<" > ">"} $label]</option>\n}] } append output "</select>" } } } return $output } d_proc -public template::widget::select { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a select widget which allows only one value to be selected. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] return [template::widget::menu \ $element(name) $element(options) $element(values) attributes $element(mode)] } d_proc -public template::widget::multiselect { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a select widget which allows any number of values to be selected. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] set attributes(multiple) {} # Determine the size automatically for a multiselect if { ! [info exists attributes(size)] } { set size [llength $element(options)] if { $size > 8 } { set size 8 } set attributes(size) $size } return [template::widget::menu \ $element(name) $element(options) $element(values) attributes $element(mode)] } d_proc -public template::data::transform::search { element_ref } { Process a submitted search widget's data. @param element_ref Reference variable to the form element @return Transformed value } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) set value [ns_queryget $element_id] # there will no value for the initial request or if the form # is submitted with no search criteria (text box blank) if {$value eq {}} { return [list] } if {$value eq ":search:"} { if { [info exists element(options)] } { unset element(options) } template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element_id \ "Please enter a search string." return [list] } # check for a value that has been entered rather than selected if { ! [ns_queryexists $element_id:select] } { # perform a search based on the value if { ! [info exists element(search_query)] } { error "No search query specified for search widget" } set query $element(search_query) set options [db_list_of_lists get_options $query] set option_count [llength $options] if { $option_count == 0 } { # no search results so return text entry back to the user if { [info exists element(options)] } { unset element(options) } template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element_id \ [subst {No matches were found for "[ns_quotehtml $value]".<br>Please\ntry again.}] } elseif { $option_count == 1 } { # only one option so just reset the value set value [lindex $options 0 1] } else { # need to return a select list set element(options) [concat $options { { "Search again..." ":search:" } }] template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element_id \ [subst {More than one match was found for "[ns_quotehtml $value]".<br> Please choose one from the list.}] set value [lindex $options 0 1] } } if { [info exists element(result_datatype)] && [ns_queryexists $element_id:select] } { set element(datatype) $element(result_datatype) } return [list $value] } d_proc -public template::widget::comment { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a comment widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] set output {} if { [info exists element(history)] } { append output "$element(history)" } if {$element(mode) eq "edit"} { if { [info exists element(header)] } { append output "<p><b>$element(header)</b></p>" } append output [textarea $element_reference $tag_attributes] if { [info exists element(format_element)] && [info exists element(format_options)] } { append output "<br>Format: [menu $element(format_element) $element(format_options) {} {}]" } } return $output } d_proc -public template::widget::block { element_reference tag_attributes } { Widget for blocks of radio-buttoned questions @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] if { [info exists element(value)] } { set value $element(value) } else { set value {} } set output "" set options $element(options) set count 0 foreach option $options { if {$count == 0} { # answer descriptions in a list: {{desc1 no_of_answers} {desc2 no_of_answers} ...} append output "<tr align='center'><td></td><td></td>" foreach answer_desc $option { lassign $answer_desc answer_description no_of_answers append output "<th colspan=\"[expr {$no_of_answers + 1}]\" align=\"center\">$answer_description</th>" } append output "</tr>" } elseif {$count == 1} { append output \ {<tr>} \ {<td><span style="font-weight: bold">} \ [ns_quotehtml [lindex $option 0]] \ {</span></td>} foreach answer_set [lindex $option 1] { append output "<td>required?</td>" foreach answer $answer_set { append output "<td>[ns_quotehtml $answer]</td>" } } append output {</tr>} } else { append output "<tr><td><span style=\"font-weight: bold\">[lindex $option 0]</span></td>" foreach question [lindex $option 1] { lassign $question name required_p append output \ "<td>" \ [expr {$required_p eq "t" ? {<span style="color: #f00;">*</span>} : { }}] \ "</td>" foreach choice [lindex $question 2] { if {$choice ni $value} { append output "<td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$choice\"></td>" } else { append output "<td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$choice\" checked></td>" } } } append output "</tr>" } incr count } return "<table>$output</table>" } ############################################################################### # radio/select/checkbox widgets with a textbox associated for other ############################################################################### namespace eval template::util::select_text {} namespace eval template::util::radio_text {} namespace eval template::util::checkbox_text {} d_proc -public template::data::validate::select_text { value_ref message_ref } { validate a select_text datatype } { # FIXME do something? return 1 } d_proc -public template::data::transform::select_text { element_ref } { @author Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org) @creation-date 2004-07-18 @param element_ref @return @error } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) set text_value [ns_queryget $element_id.text] set select_value [ns_queryget $element_id] return [list [list $select_value $text_value]] } d_proc -public template::util::select_text::get_property { what select_text_list } { @author Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org) @creation-date 2004-07-18 @param what @param select_text_list @return @error } { switch -- $what { select_value - select { return [lindex $select_text_list 0] } text_value - text { return [lindex $select_text_list 1] } default { error "Parameter supplied to util::select_text::get_property 'what' must be one of: select_value, text_value. You specified: '$what'." } } } d_proc -public template::widget::select_text { element_reference tag_attributes } { Implements the complex widget select_text which combines a select widget with a text widget @author Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org) @creation-date 2004-07-18 @param element_reference @param tag_attributes @return @error } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] if { [info exists element(value)] } { set select [template::util::select_text::get_property select_value $element(value)] set text [template::util::select_text::get_property text_value $element(value)] } else { set select {} set text {} } set output {} if {$element(mode) eq "edit"} { # edit mode set element(value) $select append output [template::widget::menu $element(name) $element(options) $select attributes $element(mode)] if {![info exists element(other_label)]} { set element(other_label) "[_ acs-templating.Other]" } append output " $element(other_label): " set element(value) $text set element(name) $element(name)\.text append output [template::widget::input text element $tag_attributes] } else { # display mode if { [info exists element(value)] } { append output \ [template::util::select_text::get_property select_value $element(value)] \ " " \ [template::util::select_text::get_property text_value $element(value)] \ [subst {<input type="hidden" name="$element(id).text" value="[ns_quotehtml $text]">}] \ [subst {<input type="hidden" name="$element(id)" value="[ns_quotehtml $select]">}] } } return $output } ########################## d_proc -public template::data::validate::radio_text { value_ref message_ref } { validate a radio_other datatype } { return 1 } d_proc -public template::data::transform::radio_text { element_ref } { @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @creation-date 2004-10-17 @param element_ref @return @error } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) set text_value [ns_queryget $element_id\.text] set radio_value [ns_queryget $element_id] return [list [list $radio_value $text_value]] } d_proc -public template::util::radio_text::get_property { what radio_list } { @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @creation-date 2004-10-17 @param what @param radio_list @return @error } { switch -- $what { radio_value - radio { return [lindex $radio_list 0] } text_value - text { return [lindex $radio_list 1] } default { error "Parameter supplied to util::radio_text::get_property 'what' must be one of: radio_value, text_value. You specified: '$what'." } } } d_proc -public template::widget::radio_text { element_reference tag_attributes } { Implements the complex widget radio_text which combines a radio widget with a text widget @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @creation-date 2004-10-17 @param element_reference @param tag_attributes @return @error } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] if { [info exists element(value)] } { set radio [template::util::radio_text::get_property radio_value $element(value)] set text [template::util::radio_text::get_property text_value $element(value)] } else { set radio {} set text {} } set output {} # edit mode set radio_text "<input type='radio' name='$element(name)'" foreach name [array names attributes] { if {$attributes($name) eq {}} { append radio_text " $name" } else { append radio_text " $name=\"$attributes($name)\"" } } # Create an array for easier testing of selected values template::util::list_to_lookup $radio values set output "" foreach option $element(options) { lassign $option label value append output "$radio_text value=\"$value\"" if { [info exists values($value)] } { append output { checked="checked"} } if {$element(mode) ne "edit"} { append output " disabled" } append output ">[ns_quotehtml $label]<br>" } if {![info exists element(other_label)]} { set element(other_label) "[_ acs-templating.Other]" } append output "$element(other_label): " set element(value) $text set element(name) $element(name)\.text append output [template::widget::input text element $tag_attributes] return $output } ########################## d_proc -public template::data::validate::checkbox_text { value_ref message_ref } { validate a checkbox_other datatype } { # FIXME do something? return 1 } d_proc -public template::data::transform::checkbox_text { element_ref } { @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @creation-date 2004-10-17 @param element_ref @return @error } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) set text_value [ns_queryget $element_id\.text] set checkbox_value [ns_queryget $element_id] return [list [list $checkbox_value $text_value]] } d_proc -public template::util::checkbox_text::get_property { what checkbox_list } { @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @creation-date 2004-10-17 @param what @param checkbox_list @return @error } { switch -- $what { checkbox_value - checkbox { return [lindex $checkbox_list 0] } text_value - text { return [lindex $checkbox_list 1] } default { error "Parameter supplied to util::checkbox_text::get_property\ 'what' must be one of: checkbox_value, text_value.\ You specified: '$what'." } } } d_proc -public template::widget::checkbox_text { element_reference tag_attributes } { Implements the complex widget checkbox_other which combines a checkbox widget with a text widget @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @creation-date 2004-10-17 @param element_reference @param tag_attributes @return @error } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] if { [info exists element(values)] } { set checkbox [template::util::checkbox_text::get_property checkbox_value $element(values)] set text [template::util::checkbox_text::get_property text_value $element(values)] } else { set checkbox {} set text {} } set output {} # edit mode set checkbox_text [subst {<input type="checkbox" name="$element(name)"}] foreach name [array names attributes] { if {$attributes($name) eq {}} { append checkbox_text " [ns_quotehtml $name]" } else { append checkbox_text [subst { $name="$attributes($name)"}] } } # Create an array for easier testing of selected values template::util::list_to_lookup $checkbox values foreach option $element(options) { lassign $option label value append output \ $checkbox_text \ [subst { value="[ns_quotehtml $value]"}] if { [info exists values($value)] } { append output { checked="checked"} } append output ">[ns_quotehtml $label]<br>" } if {![info exists element(other_label)]} { set element(other_label) [_ acs-templating.Other] } set element(value) $text set element(name) $element(name)\.text append output \ "$element(other_label): " [template::widget::input text element $tag_attributes] return $output } d_proc -public template::widget::number { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a number input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input number element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::url { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a URL input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input url element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::tel { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a tel input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input tel element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::email { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a email input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input email element $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::color { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a color input widget. @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag @return Form HTML for widget } { upvar $element_reference element return [input color element $tag_attributes] } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: