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- Location:
- /packages/bookmarks/tcl/bookmarks-procs.tcl
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- packages/bookmarks/tcl/bookmarks-procs.xql
- packages/bookmarks/tcl/bookmarks-procs.tcl
- packages/bookmarks/tcl/bookmarks-procs-postgresql.xql
- packages/bookmarks/tcl/bookmarks-procs-oracle.xql
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ad_library { TCL library for the bookmarks module. Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to: @author David Hill ( @author Aurelius Prochazka ( The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by @author Peter Marklund ( @author Ken Kennedy ( in December 2000. @creation-date December 2000 @cvs-id $Id: bookmarks-procs.tcl,v 1.9 2014/04/18 06:49:49 gustafn Exp $ } ad_proc bm_folder_selection { user_id bookmark_id folder_p } { This procedure is used to present a list of available folders to put bookmark or folder in. } { # We cannot move folders to be their own children if { $folder_p == "t" } { set exclude_folders [db_map exclude_folders] } else { set exclude_folders "" } set package_id [ad_conn package_id] db_multirow folders folder_select " select /*+INDEX(bm_bookmarks bm_bookmarks_local_title_idx)*/ bookmark_id, local_title, level as indentation from bm_bookmarks where folder_p = 't' and owner_id = :user_id and bookmark_id <> :bookmark_id and parent_id <> :package_id and acs_permission.permission_p(bookmark_id, :user_id, 'write') = 't' $exclude_folders start with parent_id = :package_id connect by prior bookmark_id = parent_id " } ad_proc bm_host_url {complete_url} { Takes a URL and returns the host portion of it (i.e.,, which always contains a trailing slash. Returns empty string if complete_url wasn't parseable. } { if { [regexp {([^:\"]+://[^/]+)} $complete_url host_url] } { return "$host_url/" } else { return "" } } ad_proc bm_handle_bookmark_double_click { bookmark_id errmsg return_url } { } { # check and see if this was a double click set dbclick_p [db_string dbclick "select count(*) from bm_bookmarks where bookmark_id = :bookmark_id"] if {$dbclick_p == 1} { ad_returnredirect -allow_complete_url $return_url ad_script_abort } else { upvar \#[template::adp_level] n_errors n_errors upvar \#[template::adp_level] error_list error_list set n_errors 1 set error_list [list "There was an error making this insert into the database. $errmsg"] uplevel \#[template::adp_level] { ad_return_template "complaint" } ad_script_abort } } ad_proc bm_repeat_string { string iteration_number } { } { if { $iteration_number <= 0} { return "" } set return_string "" for { set i 0 } { $i < $iteration_number } { incr i } { append return_string $string } return $return_string } ad_proc bm_get_root_folder_id { package_id user_id } { Returns the id of the bookmark root folder of a user in a package instance. This root folder is used for default access permissioning of a users bookmarks (bookmarks will inherit permissions). } { set root_folder_id [db_exec_plsql fs_root_folder " begin :1 := bookmark.get_root_folder( package_id => :package_id, user_id => :user_id); end;"] return $root_folder_id } ad_proc bm_user_can_write_in_some_folder_p { viewed_user_id } { Returns "t" if there is a folder that the browsing user can write in, and "f' otherwise. } { set browsing_user_id [ad_conn user_id] set n_of_write_folders [db_string write_in_folders "select count(*) from bm_bookmarks where owner_id = :viewed_user_id and folder_p = 't' and acs_permission.permission_p(bookmark_id, :browsing_user_id, 'write') = 't'"] return [ad_decode $n_of_write_folders "0" "f" "t"] } ad_proc bm_delete_permission_p { bookmark_id } { Returns boolean value indicating if the browsing user may delete the bookmark. } { set browsing_user_id [ad_conn user_id] return [ad_decode [db_string delete_permission_p "select count(*) from bm_bookmarks where acs_permission.permission_p(bookmark_id, :browsing_user_id, 'delete') = 'f' start with bookmark_id = :bookmark_id connect by prior bookmark_id = parent_id"] "0" "t" "f"] } ad_proc bm_require_delete_permission { bookmark_id } { This proc verifyes that the user may delete the bookmark/folder and all its contained bookmarks/folders. } { if {[bm_delete_permission_p $bookmark_id] == "f"} { set n_errors 1 set error_list [list "You either do not have delete permissions on this bookmark/folder, or you are trying to delete a folder that contains at least one bookmarks or folder that you may not delete"] ad_return_template "complaint" return -code return } } ad_proc bm_context_bar_args { arg_list viewed_user_id } { If viewed_user_id <> browsing_user_id we need to prefix the context bar args with an entry for bookmarks of the viewed user. If the arg_list is empty it is assumed that we are on the index page and that otherwise the page has been linked from the index page. } { set browsing_user_id [ad_conn user_id] if { $browsing_user_id ne $viewed_user_id && $viewed_user_id ne ""} { # The user is viewing someone elses bookmarks # and we need the set the context bar so that # he can go back to viewing his own bookmarks set user_name [db_string user_name "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from cc_users where object_id = :viewed_user_id" -default ""] if { $arg_list eq "" } { # We are on the index page return [list "Bookmarks of $user_name"] } else { # We were linked from the index page return [linsert $arg_list 0 [list "index?viewed_user_id=$viewed_user_id" "Bookmarks of $user_name"]] } } else { return $arg_list } } ad_proc bm_get_html_title { html_code } { } { set title "" regexp -nocase {<title>([^<]*)</title>} $html_code match title if {[string length $title]> [parameter::get -parameter URLTitleMaxLength] || [string length $title] > 499 } { set title "[string range $title 0 496]..." } return [string trim $title] } ad_proc bm_get_html_description { html_code } { } { set description "" regexp -nocase {<meta name="description" content="([^"]*)"} $html_code match description if {[string length $description]> [parameter::get -parameter URLDescriptionMaxLength] || [string length $description] > 3999 } { set description "[string range $description 0 3996]..." } return [string trim $description] } ad_proc bm_get_html_keywords { html_code } { } { set keywords "" regexp -nocase {<meta name="keywords" content="([^"]*)">} $html_code match keywords if {[string length $keywords]> [parameter::get -parameter URLKeywordsMaxLength] || [string length $keywords] > 3999 } { set keywords "[string range $keywords 0 3996]..." } return [string trim $keywords] } ad_proc bm_bookmark_private_p { bookmark_id } { } { return [db_string bookmark_private_p "select bookmark.private_p(:bookmark_id) from dual"] } ad_proc bm_update_bookmark_private_p { bookmark_id private_p} { } { db_exec_plsql update_private_p { begin bookmark.update_private_p(:bookmark_id, :private_p); end; } } ad_proc bm_initialize_in_closed_p { viewed_user_id in_closed_p_id package_id} { } { db_exec_plsql initialize_in_closed_p { begin bookmark.initialize_in_closed_p(:viewed_user_id, :in_closed_p_id, :package_id); end; } } ad_proc -private bm_close_js_brackets {prev_folder_p prev_lev lev} { This helper function is used by the tree-dynamic.tcl page in constructing the bookmark tree for the javascript page. } { set result "" if {$prev_folder_p && ($prev_lev >= $lev)} { # Empty folder. We need to add a fake bookmark to the folder or else # it will not have a folder icon attached to it. set i_str [string repeat "\t" $prev_lev] append result "$i_str\t\['Empty folder']\n" append result "$i_str],\n" } while {$prev_lev > $lev} { set i_str [string repeat "\t" [expr {$prev_lev - 1}]] append result "$i_str],\n" incr prev_lev -1 } return $result }