Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to:
- Location:
- /packages/bookmarks/www/search.tcl
- Authors:
- David Hill <>
- Aurelius Prochazka ( The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by
- Peter Marklund <>
- Ken Kennedy ( in December 2000.
- Created:
- December 2000
$Id: search.tcl,v 1.11 2017/10/17 06:53:40 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/bookmarks/www/search.tcl
- packages/bookmarks/www/search.adp
- packages/bookmarks/www/search-postgresql.xql
- packages/bookmarks/www/search-oracle.xql
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to: @author David Hill ( @author Aurelius Prochazka ( The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by @author Peter Marklund ( @author Ken Kennedy ( in December 2000. @creation-date December 2000 @cvs-id $Id: search.tcl,v 1.11 2017/10/17 06:53:40 gustafn Exp $ } { viewed_user_id:naturalnum,notnull return_url search_text:notnull } -validate { no_just_wildcard -requires {search_text:notnull} { if {[regexp {^%+$} $search_text]} { ad_complain "Please search for more than just a wildcard." } } } -properties { page_title:onevalue context:onevalue search_text:onevalue return_url:onevalue browsing_user_id:onevalue viewed_user_id:onevalue my_list:multirow others_list:multirow } -return_errors error_list if { [info exists error_list] } { set n_errors [llength $error_list] ad_return_template "complaint" return } set page_title "Searching for \"$search_text\"" set context [bm_context_bar_args [list $page_title] $viewed_user_id] set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set root_folder_id [bm_get_root_folder_id $package_id $viewed_user_id] set browsing_user_id [ad_conn user_id] set search_pattern "%[string toupper $search_text]%" # this select gets all of the users bookmarks that match the user's request template::list::create \ -name my_list -multirow my_list \ -elements { title { label "Matches from your bookmark list" link_url_eval {$complete_url} } invoke { label "Edit" link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "bookmark-edit" {{bookmark_id $bookmark_id}} ]} link_html { title "Edit bookmark" } display_template { <img src="/resources/acs-subsite/Edit16.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"> } } } -no_data { Your search returned no matches in your bookmark list. } db_multirow my_list bookmark_search_user {*SQL*} # thie query searches across other peoples bookmarks that the browsing user # has read permission on template::list::create \ -name others_list -multirow others_list \ -elements { folder_names { label "Folders" html {nowrap ""} } title { label "Matches in other bookmark lists" link_url_eval {$complete_url} } invoke { label "Edit" link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "bookmark-edit" {bookmark_id viewed_user_id return_url} ]} link_html { title "Edit bookmark" } display_template { <if @others_list.admin_p;literal@ true> <img src="/resources/acs-subsite/Edit16.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"> </if> } } } -no_data { Your search returned no matches in other bookmark lists. } db_multirow others_list bookmark_search_other {*SQL*} # Take this "if" statement out once oracle has a bm_bookmarks_get_folder_names equivalent. # Until then we won't display the folder_names column when using oracle. set db_type [db_rdbms_get_type [db_current_rdbms]] if {$db_type ne "postgresql"} { template::list::element::set_property -list_name my_list \ -element_name folder_names -property hide_p -value 1 template::list::element::set_property -list_name others_list \ -element_name folder_names -property hide_p -value 1 }