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- /packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-callback-procs.tcl
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- packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-callback-procs.xql
- packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-callback-procs.tcl
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# packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-callback-procs.tcl ad_library { callback implementations for bug-tracker @author Deds Castillo (deds@i-manila.com.ph) @creation-date 2007-07-09 } d_proc -public -callback acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl bug-tracker { {-array:required} {-package_id ""} } { a callback that posts a new ticket to a bug-tracker instance } { upvar $array email ns_log Debug "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl bug-tracker called. Recipient $email(to)" set regexp_str "^notification-bug-(\[0-9a-zA-Z\]+)\@" # check the format and extract necessary info if {![regexp $regexp_str $email(to) match email_post_id]} { set regexp_str "^tt-(\[0-9a-zA-Z\]+)\@" if {![regexp $regexp_str $email(to) match email_post_id]} { return "" } } set package_key bug-tracker set package_id_list [db_list get_package_ids {}] if {[llength $package_id_list] > 1} { ns_log Error "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl bug-tracker found two bug tracker instances that has EmailPostID ${email_post_id}. These are ${package_id_list}. Bug entry creation failed." return "" } elseif {[llength $package_id_list] == 0} { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl bug-tracker did not find any bug tracker instance with EmailPostID ${email_post_id}. Bug entry creation failed." return "" } else { set package_id [lindex $package_id_list 0] set user_id [party::get_by_email -email $email(from)] if {$user_id eq ""} { # spam control return "" } elseif {![permission::permission_p -party_id $user_id -object_id $package_id -privilege create -no_login]} { # no rights return "" } template::util::list_of_lists_to_array $email(bodies) email_body if {[info exists email_body(text/html)] && $email_body(text/html) ne ""} { set body [ad_html_to_text -- $email_body(text/html)] } else { set body $email_body(text/plain) } # default mostly to blanks # improve on this later if we want to include # bug settings on the email set bug_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] set components_list [bug_tracker::components_get_options -package_id $package_id] if {[llength $components_list] == 0} { set component_id {} } else { set component_id [lindex $components_list 0 1] } set found_in_version {} if {[llength $email(subject)] == 1} { set summary [lindex $email(subject) 0] } else { set summary $email(subject) } set keyword_ids {} foreach {category_id category_name} [bug_tracker::category_types -package_id $package_id] { lappend keyword_ids [bug_tracker::get_default_keyword -package_id $package_id -parent_id $category_id] } set fix_for_version {} set assign_to "" ns_log notice "=== tcl/bug-tracker-callback-procs.tcl calls bug_tracker::bug::new -bug_id $bug_id " bug_tracker::bug::new \ -bug_id $bug_id \ -package_id $package_id \ -component_id $component_id \ -found_in_version $found_in_version \ -summary $summary \ -description $body \ -desc_format text/plain \ -keyword_ids $keyword_ids \ -fix_for_version $fix_for_version \ -assign_to $assign_to \ -user_id $user_id } } d_proc -callback workflow::case::role::after_assign -impl bug-tracker { {-case_id:required} {-party_id:required} } { A callback that grants direct permission after assignment to the given party. } { if {[bug_tracker::user_bugs_only_p]} { workflow::case::get -case_id $case_id -array case set bug_id $case(object_id) bug_tracker::grant_direct_read_permission -bug_id $bug_id -party_id $party_id } } d_proc -callback workflow::case::role::after_unassign -impl bug-tracker { {-case_id:required} {-party_id:required} } { A callback that revokes direct permission after assignment to the given party. Inherited permissions are restored. } { if {[bug_tracker::user_bugs_only_p]} { workflow::case::get -case_id $case_id -array case set bug_id $case(object_id) bug_tracker::inherit -bug_id $bug_id -party_id $party_id } }