attach a related file to a bug
- Location:
- /packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl
- Author:
- Deds Castillo <>
- Created:
- 2007-01-15
Related Files
- packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.xql
- packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl
- packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.adp
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File Contents
# packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl ad_page_contract { attach a related file to a bug @author Deds Castillo ( @creation-date 2007-01-15 @cvs-id $Id$ } { bug_number:integer,notnull return_url:optional,trim,notnull } -properties { } -validate { valid_return_url -requires return_url { # actually, one should use the page filter localurl from OpenACS 5.9 if {[util::external_url_p $return_url]} { ad_complain "invalid return_url" } } } -errors { } set package_id [ad_conn package_id] if {![info exists return_url]} { set return_url [export_vars -base "bug" {bug_number}] } set bug_title "[bug_tracker::conn Bug] #$bug_number" set page_title "[_ bug-tracker.Upload_related_file]" set context [list [list "$return_url" "$bug_title"] $page_title] # Get the bug_id if { ![db_0or1row get_bug_id {} -column_array bug] } { ad_return_complaint 1 [_ bug-tracker.Bug_not_found] ad_script_abort } array set bt_project_info [bug_tracker::get_project_info] ad_form \ -name related \ -html {enctype multipart/form-data} \ -export { bug_number return_url } \ -form { {upload_file:file(file) {label "[_ bug-tracker.Related_File_File]"}} {description:text(textarea),optional {label "[_ bug-tracker.Related_File_Description]"} {html "rows 5 cols 35"}} {folder_id:integer(hidden)} {bug_id:integer(hidden),optional} } -on_request { set folder_id $bt_project_info(project_folder_id) set bug_id $bug(bug_id) } -validate { {upload_file {([info exists upload_file] && $upload_file ne "")} "[_ bug-tracker.Related_File_File_required]" } } -after_submit { db_transaction { set filename [template::util::file::get_property filename $upload_file] set revision_id [content::item::upload_file \ -parent_id $folder_id \ -upload_file $upload_file] # prevent cross-site scripting set description [ad_html_to_text -showtags -no_format -- $description] db_dml update_revision_description {} set target_object_id [content::revision::item_id -revision_id $revision_id] application_data_link::new -this_object_id $bug_id -target_object_id $target_object_id set case_id [workflow::case::get_id \ -object_id $bug_id \ -workflow_short_name [bug_tracker::bug::workflow_short_name]] workflow::case::fsm::get -case_id $case_id -array case foreach available_enabled_action_id [workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids -case_id $case_id] { workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $available_enabled_action_id -array enabled_action workflow::action::get -action_id $enabled_action(action_id) -array available_action if {$available_action(short_name) eq "comment"} { set action_id $enabled_action(action_id) array set row [list] foreach field [workflow::action::get_element -action_id $action_id -element edit_fields] { set row($field) "" } foreach {category_id category_name} [bug_tracker::category_types] { set row($category_id) "" } set bug_pretty [bug_tracker::conn bug] bug_tracker::bug::edit \ -bug_id $bug_id \ -user_id [ad_conn user_id] \ -enabled_action_id $available_enabled_action_id \ -description "[_ bug-tracker.related_file_new_comment]" \ -desc_format text/html \ -array row break } } } ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort }