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- /packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-procs.tcl
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- packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-procs.tcl
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# /packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-procs.tcl ad_library { Utility functions for Calendar Applications @author Dirk Gomez ( @author Gary Jin ( @author Ben Adida ( @creation-date Dec 14, 2000 @cvs-id $Id: calendar-procs.tcl,v 2023/06/06 14:37:01 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval calendar {} namespace eval calendar::notification {} d_proc -deprecated calendar::make_datetime { event_date {event_time ""} } { given a date, and a time, construct the proper date string to be imported into oracle. (yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi format)s DEPRECATED: clock idioms and HTML5 feature make this date conversion api less useful @see clock } { # MUST CONVERT TO ARRAYS! (ben) array set event_date_arr $event_date if {$event_time ne ""} { array set event_time_arr $event_time } # extract from even-date set year $event_date_arr(year) set day $event_date_arr(day) set month $event_date_arr(month) if {$event_time ne ""} { # extract from event_time set hours $event_time_arr(hours) set minutes $event_time_arr(minutes) # AM/PM? (ben - OpenACS fix) if {[info exists event_time_arr(ampm)]} { if {$event_time_arr(ampm)} { if {$hours < 12} { incr hours 12 } } else { # This is the case where we're dealing with AM/PM # The one issue we have to worry about is 12am if {!$event_time_arr(ampm) && $hours == 12} { set hours 0 } } } if {$hours < 10} { set hours "0$hours" } } if {$month < 10} { set month "0$month" } if {$day < 10} { set day "0$day" } if {$event_time eq ""} { return "$year-$month-$day" } else { return "$year-$month-$day $hours:$minutes" } } d_proc calendar::create { owner_id private_p {calendar_name ""} } { Create a new calendar. @param private_p defaults to true since the default calendar is a private calendar. } { # find out configuration info set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set creation_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"] set creation_user [ad_conn "user_id"] # BMA:FIXME: this needs to be fixed a LOT more, but for now we patch the obvious if {$creation_user == 0} { set creation_user $owner_id } set calendar_id [db_exec_plsql create_new_calendar { begin :1 := owner_id => :owner_id, private_p => :private_p, calendar_name => :calendar_name, package_id => :package_id, creation_user => :creation_user, creation_ip => :creation_ip ); end; } ] #removing inherited permissions permission::set_not_inherit -object_id $calendar_id return $calendar_id } d_proc -deprecated calendar::assign_permissions { calendar_id party_id cal_privilege {revoke ""} } { Given a calendar_id, party_id and a permission this proc will assign the permission to the party the legal permissions are: public, private, calendar_read, calendar_write, calendar_delete If the revoke is set, then the given permission will be removed for the party. DEPRECATED: this api is a trivial wrapper to the permission api @see permission::grant @see permission::revoke } { # Default privilege is being able to read. # If the permission is public, assign the magic object and set # permission to read. if {$cal_privilege eq "public"} { set party_id [acs_magic_object "the_public"] set cal_privilege "calendar_read" } elseif {$cal_privilege eq "private"} { set cal_privilege "calendar_read" } if { $revoke eq "" } { # grant the permissions permission::grant -object_id $calendar_id -party_id $party_id -privilege $cal_privilege } elseif {$revoke eq "revoke"} { # revoke the permissions permission::revoke -object_id $calendar_id -party_id $party_id -privilege $cal_privilege } } d_proc -public calendar::have_private_p { {-return_id 0} {-calendar_id_list {}} {-party_id party_id } } { Check to see if the user has a private calendar. When the provided -return_id is 1, then proc will return the calendar_id @param calendar_id_list If you supply the calendar_id_list, then we'll only search for a personal calendar among the calendars supplied here. @param return_id when set to 1, this proc will return the calendar_id @return boolean or the calendar_id according to 'return_id' flag. } { # Check whether the user is logged in at all if { !$party_id } { return -1 } if { [llength $calendar_id_list] > 0 } { set result [db_string get_calendar_info_calendar_id_list {} -default 0] } else { set result [db_string get_calendar_info {} -default 0] } if { $result != 0 } { if { $return_id == 1 } { return $result } else { return 1 } } else { return 0 } } ad_proc -public calendar::name { calendar_id } { Return a calendar's name } { return [db_string get_calendar_name {} -default ""] } d_proc -private calendar::get_month_multirow_information { {-current_day:required} {-today_julian_date:required} {-first_julian_date_of_month:required} } { Builds a multirow with information about the month. Used to display the month calendar view. @author Dirk Gomez ( @creation-date 20-July-2003 } { set first_day_of_week [lc_get firstdayofweek] set last_day_of_week [expr {($first_day_of_week + 6) % 7}] if {$current_day == $today_julian_date} { set today_p t } else { set today_p f } set day_number [expr {$current_day - $first_julian_date_of_month +1}] set weekday [expr {($current_day + 1) % 7}] set beginning_of_week_p f set end_of_week_p f if {$weekday == $last_day_of_week} { set end_of_week_p t } elseif {$weekday == $first_day_of_week} { set beginning_of_week_p t } return [list day_number $day_number \ today_p $today_p \ beginning_of_week_p $beginning_of_week_p \ end_of_week_p $end_of_week_p \ weekday $weekday] } d_proc -deprecated calendar::from_sql_datetime { {-sql_date:required} {-format:required} } { Converts a date in a specified format into a templating date dict. @param sql_date a date in one of the supported format. @param format one of the supported format, "YYYY-MM-DD", "HH12:MIam" or "HH24:MI". When unspecified or invalid, we will try to treat the date as an ansi date. DEPRECATED: this api has been superseded by api in acs-templating. @see template::data::from_sql::date } { # for now, we recognize only "YYYY-MM-DD" "HH12:MIam" and "HH24:MI". set date [template::util::date::create] switch -exact -- $format { {YYYY-MM-DD} { regexp {([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)} $sql_date all year month day set date [template::util::date::set_property format $date {DD MONTH YYYY}] set date [template::util::date::set_property year $date $year] set date [template::util::date::set_property month $date $month] set date [template::util::date::set_property day $date $day] } {HH12:MIam} { regexp {([0-9]*):([0-9]*) *([aApP][mM])} $sql_date all hours minutes ampm set date [template::util::date::set_property format $date {HH12:MI am}] set date [template::util::date::set_property hours $date $hours] set date [template::util::date::set_property minutes $date $minutes] set date [template::util::date::set_property ampm $date [string tolower $ampm]] } {HH24:MI} { regexp {([0-9]*):([0-9]*)} $sql_date all hours minutes set date [template::util::date::set_property format $date {HH24:MI}] set date [template::util::date::set_property hours $date $hours] set date [template::util::date::set_property minutes $date $minutes] } {HH24} { set date [template::util::date::set_property format $date {HH24:MI}] set date [template::util::date::set_property hours $date $sql_date] set date [template::util::date::set_property minutes $date 0] } default { set date [template::util::date::set_property ansi $date $sql_date] } } return $date } d_proc -deprecated calendar::to_sql_datetime { {-date:required} {-time:required} {-time_p 1} } { This takes two date chunks, one for date one for time, and combines them correctly. The issue here is the incoming format. date: ANSI SQL YYYY-MM-DD time: we return HH24. DEPRECATED: this api has been superseded by api in acs-templating. @see template::data::to_sql::date } { # Set the time to 0 if necessary if {!$time_p} { set hours 0 set minutes 0 } else { set hours [template::util::date::get_property hours $time] set minutes [template::util::date::get_property minutes $time] } set year [template::util::date::get_property year $date] set month [template::util::date::get_property month $date] set day [template::util::date::get_property day $date] # put together the timestamp return "$year-$month-$day $hours:$minutes" } d_proc -public calendar::calendar_list { {-package_id ""} {-user_id ""} {-privilege ""} } { @return a list of calendars } { # If no user_id if {$user_id eq ""} { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] } if {$package_id eq ""} { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } set permissions_clause {} if { $privilege ne "" } { set permissions_clause {and acs_permission.permission_p(calendar_id, :user_id, :privilege)} } set new_list [db_list_of_lists select_calendar_list [subst { select calendar_name, calendar_id, acs_permission.permission_p(calendar_id, :user_id, 'calendar_admin') as calendar_admin_p from calendars where (private_p = 'f' and package_id = :package_id $permissions_clause) or (private_p = 't' and owner_id = :user_id) order by private_p asc, upper(calendar_name) }]] } d_proc -deprecated calendar::adjust_date { {-date ""} {-julian_date ""} } { @return the date if it is provided. Otherwise, the julian date in ANSI format, if provided, or the system date. DEPRECATED: this proc implements a trivial defaulting logic that can be inlined just as well. @see dt_sysdate @see dt_julian_to_ansi } { if {$date eq ""} { if {$julian_date ne ""} { set date [dt_julian_to_ansi $julian_date] } else { set date [dt_sysdate] } } return $date } d_proc -public calendar::new { {-owner_id:required} {-private_p "f"} {-calendar_name:required} {-package_id ""} } { Create a new calendar @return the new calendar_id } { if { $package_id eq "" } { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } set extra_vars [ns_set create s \ owner_id $owner_id \ private_p $private_p \ calendar_name $calendar_name \ package_id $package_id \ context_id $package_id] set calendar_id [package_instantiate_object -extra_vars $extra_vars calendar] return $calendar_id } d_proc -public calendar::personal_p { {-calendar_id:required} {-user_id ""} } { @return true (1) if this is the user's personal calendar, false (0) otherwise. @param user_id The user whose calendar you want to check } { if { $user_id eq "" } { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] } calendar::get -calendar_id $calendar_id -array calendar if { [string is true -strict $calendar(private_p)] && $calendar(owner_id) == $user_id } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } d_proc -public calendar::get { {-calendar_id:required} {-array} } { Get calendar info } { if {[info exists array]} { upvar 1 $array row } db_1row select_calendar {} -column_array row return [array get row] } d_proc -public calendar::delete { {-calendar_id:required} } { Delete a calendar } { db_exec_plsql delete_calendar {} } d_proc -public calendar::get_item_types { {-calendar_id:required} } { return the item types } { return [list {{--} {}} {*}[db_list_of_lists select_item_types {}]] } d_proc -public calendar::item_type_new { {-calendar_id:required} {-item_type_id ""} {-type:required} } { creates a new item type } { if {$item_type_id eq ""} { set item_type_id [db_nextval cal_item_type_seq] } db_dml insert_item_type {} return $item_type_id } d_proc -public calendar::item_type_delete { {-calendar_id:required} {-item_type_id:required} } { Delete an item type } { db_transaction { # Remove the mappings for all events db_dml reset_item_types {} # Remove the item type db_dml delete_item_type {} } } d_proc -public calendar::attachments_enabled_p { -package_id } { @param package_id the package_id, assumed to belong to a calendar package instance. When not specified, we will determine the package from the connection. When no package can be determined, this proc will return 0. @return 1 if the attachments are enabled, otherwise 0. } { if {![info exists package_id]} { if {[ns_conn isconnected]} { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } else { ad_log warning "calendar attachments: Cannot determine package_id. Returning 0" return 0 } } set node_id [site_node::get_node_id_from_object_id -object_id $package_id] set nodes [site_node::get_children -package_key attachments -node_id $node_id] return [expr {[llength $nodes] > 0}] } d_proc -public calendar::rename { {-calendar_id:required} {-calendar_name:required} } { rename a calendar } { db_dml rename_calendar {} } ad_proc -private calendar::compare_day_items_by_current_hour {a b} { Compare a day item by the current hour (field 0). This is needed by the one-day view for sorting. } { set a_criterium [lindex $a 0] set b_criterium [lindex $b 0] if {$a_criterium > $b_criterium} { return 1 } elseif {$a_criterium < $b_criterium} { return -1 } return 0 } d_proc -public calendar::do_notifications { {-mode:required} {-cal_item_id:required} } { Perform the notifications } { # Select all the important information calendar::item::get -cal_item_id $cal_item_id -array cal_item set cal_item_id $cal_item(cal_item_id) set n_attachments $cal_item(n_attachments) set ansi_start_date $cal_item(start_date_ansi) set ansi_end_date $cal_item(end_date_ansi) set start_time $cal_item(start_time) set end_time $cal_item(end_time) set title $cal_item(name) set description $cal_item(description) set repeat_p $cal_item(recurrence_id) set item_type $cal_item(item_type) set item_type_id $cal_item(item_type_id) set calendar_id $cal_item(calendar_id) set time_p $cal_item(time_p) set url "[ad_url][ad_conn package_url]" set new_content "" append new_content "[_ calendar.Calendar]: <a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $url]\">[ad_conn instance_name]</a><br>\n" append new_content "[_ calendar.Calendar_Item]: <a href=\"[ns_quotehtml ${url}cal-item-view?cal_item_id=$cal_item_id]\">$cal_item(name)</a><br>\n" append new_content "[_ calendar.Start_Time]: $cal_item(start_date_ansi) $cal_item(start_time)<br>\n" append new_content "[_]: $cal_item(end_date_ansi) $cal_item(end_time)<br>\n" if {$repeat_p ne "" && $repeat_p} { append new_content "[_ calendar.is_recurring]" } append new_content "\n<br>\n" append new_content $cal_item(description) acs_user::get -user_id $cal_item(creation_user) -array user_info append new_content "<br>Author: <a href=\"mailto:$user_info(email)\">$user_info(first_names) $user_info(last_name)</a><br>\n" # send text for now. set new_content [ad_html_to_text -- $new_content] if {[lang::message::message_exists_p en_US calendar.$mode]} { set mode [_ calendar.$mode] } # Do the notification for the calendar notification::new \ -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id \ -short_name calendar_notif] \ -object_id [ad_conn package_id] \ -response_id $cal_item(cal_item_id) \ -notif_subject "$mode [_ calendar.Calendar_Item]: $cal_item(name)" \ -notif_text $new_content } d_proc -public calendar::notification::get_url { object_id } { @return a full URL to the object_id } { return [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $object_id] } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: