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- Location:
- /packages/download/tcl/download-procs.tcl
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- packages/download/tcl/download-procs.xql
- packages/download/tcl/download-procs.tcl
- packages/download/tcl/download-procs-postgresql.xql
- packages/download/tcl/download-procs-oracle.xql
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# /packages/download/tcl/download-procs.tcl ad_library { Procs used by the download module. @author [] @creation-date Tue Dec 12 15:13:52 2000 @cvs-id $Id: download-procs.tcl,v 1.22 2019/10/15 09:30:36 gustafn Exp $ } # @author [] # @creation-date Tue Dec 12 15:14:13 2000 ad_proc download_repository_info { {package_id ""} {do_redirect 1}} { Get information about the repository mounted for package_id. } { if {$package_id eq ""} { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } if { ![db_0or1row repository_info { select repository_id, title, description, help_text from download_repository_obj where parent_id = :package_id } -column_array repository ] } { #Package not setup if { $do_redirect } { set admin_p [permission::permission_p -object_id $package_id -privilege "admin"] if { $admin_p } { set repository_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq] set return_url "[ad_conn package_url]admin/repository-types" set href [export_vars -base [ad_conn package_url]admin/repository-ae {repository_id return_url}] ad_return_exception_page 200 "Not setup" [subst {Please <a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">configure this instance of the download module</a>.}] } else { ad_return_exception_page 200 "Not setup" "Please have an admin configure this instance of the download module." } ad_script_abort } } else { if { $do_redirect } { set repository_id $repository(repository_id) set count [db_string type_info { select count(*) from download_archive_types where repository_id = :repository_id }] if { $count == 0 } { set return_url "[ad_conn url]?[ad_conn query]" set href [export_vars -base [ad_conn package_url]admin/repository-types {repository_id return_url}] ad_return_exception_page 200 "Not setup" [subst {Please <a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">add a download type</a>.}] ad_script_abort } } } return [array get repository] } ad_proc download_repository_id { {package_id ""} {do_redirect 1}} { Get repository_id mounted for package_id. } { array set repository [download_repository_info $package_id $do_redirect] return $repository(repository_id) } # @author [] # @creation-date Tue Dec 12 17:52:07 2000 ad_proc download_metadata_widget { data_type name metadata_id {user_value ""}} { Return a widget to take input of the given data_type } { set html "" set element_name "metadata.$metadata_id" switch -- $data_type { "number" { append html "<input type=text name=$element_name value=\"[ns_quotehtml $user_value]\" size=10>" } "integer" { append html "<input type=text name=$element_name value=\"[ns_quotehtml $user_value]\" size=10>" } "shorttext" { append html "<input type=text name=$element_name value=\"[ns_quotehtml $user_value]\" size=20>" } "text" { append html "<textarea name=$element_name cols=70 rows=10>$user_value</textarea>" } "date" { append html "[ad_dateentrywidget $element_name $user_value]" } "boolean" { append html "<select name=$element_name> <option value=\"\">Select One</option> <option value=\"t\" [ad_decode $user_value "t" "selected" ""]>True</option> <option value=\"f\" [ad_decode $user_value "f" "selected" ""]>False</option> </select> " } "choice" { append html "<select name=$element_name> <option value=\"\">Select One</option>\n" db_foreach download_metadata_choices "select choice_id, label from download_metadata_choices where metadata_id = :metadata_id order by sort_order" { if { $user_value == $choice_id } { append html "<option value=$choice_id selected>$label</option>\n" } else { append html "<option value=$choice_id>$label</option>\n" } } append html "</select>" } } return " <tr><th align=right valign=top>$name</th> <td>$html</td> </tr>" } d_proc download_file_downloader { } { Sends the requested file to the user. Note that the path has the original file name, so the browser will have a sensible name if you save the file. Version downloads are supported by looking for the form variable version_id. We don't actually check that the version_id matches the path, we just serve it up. } { ad_page_contract { } { { revision_id:naturalnum "" } { download_id:naturalnum "" } { reason_id "" } { reason_other ""} } ns_log Debug "download_file_downloader: downloading $revision_id" set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set download_ip [ad_conn peeraddr] if [catch { set download_hostname [ad_job -timeout 0:500000 ns_hostbyaddr $download_ip] }] { set download_hostname "" } set user_agent [ns_set iget [ad_conn headers] user-agent] regexp "[ad_conn package_url]download/(.*)" [ad_conn url] match path if {$revision_id eq ""} { set file_name [ad_conn path_info] set revision_id [lindex [db_list get_revision_id { select revision_id from download_arch_revisions_obj where file_name=:file_name and approved_p = 't' order by revision_id desc}] 0] } if {$revision_id eq ""} { ad_returnredirect [ad_conn package_url] ad_script_abort } permission::require_permission -object_id $revision_id -privilege "read" ##Record the download for all time!! set double_click_p [db_string download_count "select count(*) from download_downloads where download_id = :download_id"] if { $double_click_p == 0 } { if {[catch { db_dml download_insert { insert into download_downloads ( download_id, user_id, revision_id, download_date, download_ip, download_hostname, user_agent, reason_id, reason) values (:download_id, :user_id, :revision_id, sysdate, :download_ip, :download_hostname, :user_agent, :reason_id, :reason_other) } } errmsg]} { ns_log Error "Download: Unable to log download due to an error: $errmsg" } } cr_write_content -revision_id $revision_id return filter_return } # @author [] # @creation-date Fri Dec 15 14:07:02 2000 d_proc download_metadata_column { data_type } { Dummy comment.} { switch -- $data_type { date { set answer_column "date_answer" } boolean { set answer_column "boolean_answer" } number { set answer_column "number_answer" } integer { set answer_column "number_answer" } choice { set answer_column "choice_answer" } text { set answer_column "clob_answer" } default { set answer_column "varchar_answer" } } return $answer_column } # @author [] # @creation-date Fri Dec 15 16:14:40 2000 ad_proc download_validate_metadata { repository_id metadata_info archive_type_id } { Validate metadata arguments for a given archive_type } { array set metadata $metadata_info set metadata_with_missing_responses [list] ##Iterate over the metadata information db_foreach metadata { select dam.metadata_id, dam.pretty_name, dam.data_type, dam.required_p from download_archive_metadata dam where dam.repository_id = :repository_id and dam.computed_p = 'f' and (dam.archive_type_id = :archive_type_id or dam.archive_type_id is null) order by sort_key } { # date's are complex. convert them first if { $data_type eq "date" } { if [catch { set metadata($metadata_id) [validate_ad_dateentrywidget "" metadata.$metadata_id [ns_getform]]} errmsg] { if {$required_p == "t"} { ad_complain "$errmsg: Please make sure your dates are valid." } else { set metadata($metadata_id) "" } } } if { ([info exists metadata($metadata_id)] && $metadata($metadata_id) ne "") } { set response_value [string trim $metadata($metadata_id)] } elseif {$required_p == "t"} { lappend metadata_with_missing_responses $pretty_name continue } else { set response_to_question($metadata_id) "" set response_value "" } if {$response_value ne ""} { if { $data_type eq "number" } { if { ![regexp {^(-?[0-9]+\.)?[0-9]+$} $response_value] } { ad_complain "The value for \"$metadata\" must be a number. Your value was \"$response_value\"." continue } } elseif { $data_type eq "integer" } { if { ![regexp {^[0-9]+$} $response_value] } { ad_complain "The value for \"$metadata\" must be an integer. Your value was \"$response_value\"." continue } } } ns_log Debug "LOGGING: Metadata $pretty_name: $metadata($metadata_id)" } if { [llength $metadata_with_missing_responses] > 0 } { ad_complain "You didn't respond to all required sections. You skipped:" ad_complain [join $metadata_with_missing_responses "\n"] } return [array get metadata] } # @author [] # @creation-date Fri Dec 15 16:16:41 2000 ad_proc download_insert_metadata { repository_id archive_type_id revision_id metadata_array} { Do metadata insertion. Assume within transaction. } { array set metadata $metadata_array set metadata_list [db_list_of_lists survsimp_question_info_list { select dam.metadata_id, dam.data_type from download_archive_metadata dam where dam.repository_id = :repository_id and dam.computed_p = 'f' and (dam.archive_type_id = :archive_type_id or dam.archive_type_id is null) order by sort_key }] foreach metadata_info $metadata_list { set metadata_id [lindex $metadata_info 0] set data_type [lindex $metadata_info 1] set response $metadata($metadata_id) set answer_column [download_metadata_column $data_type] db_dml metadata_inserts " insert into download_revision_data(revision_id, metadata_id, $answer_column) values ( :revision_id, :metadata_id, :response ) " } } # @author [] # @creation-date Fri Dec 15 16:20:38 2000 ad_proc download_insert_revision { upload_file tmpfile repository_id archive_type_id archive_id version_name revision_id user_id creation_ip approved_p metadata_array } { Dummy comment. } { # get the filename part of the upload file if {![regexp {[^//\\]+$} $upload_file filename]} { # no match set filename $upload_file } # get the file_size for the postgres version set file_size [file size $tmpfile] set mime_type [cr_filename_to_mime_type -create $upload_file] db_exec_plsql revision_new { declare v_revision_id integer; begin v_revision_id := item_id => :archive_id, title => :filename, description => :version_name, revision_id => :revision_id, mime_type => :mime_type, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip ); insert into download_archive_revisions (revision_id, approved_p) values (v_revision_id, :approved_p); end; } db_dml content_add { update cr_revisions set content = empty_blob() where revision_id = :revision_id returning content into :1 } -blob_files [list $tmpfile] db_exec_plsql make_live { begin content_item.set_live_revision(:revision_id); end; } download_insert_metadata $repository_id $archive_type_id $revision_id $metadata_array } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: