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ad_library { Forum callbacks. Navigation callbacks. @author Jeff Davis <> @creation-date 2005-03-11 @cvs-id $Id: forums-callback-procs.tcl,v 2023/03/20 13:39:15 antoniop Exp $ } # ## Callback hooks # d_proc -public -callback forum::forum_new { {-package_id:required} {-forum_id:required} } { Append extra logics to forum creation. } - d_proc -public -callback forum::forum_edit { {-package_id:required} {-forum_id:required} } { Append extra logics to forum editing. } - d_proc -public -callback forum::forum_delete { {-package_id:required} {-forum_id:required} } { Append extra logics to forum deletion. } - d_proc -public -callback forum::message_new { {-package_id:required} {-message_id:required} } { Append extra logics to forum message creation. } - d_proc -public -callback forum::message_edit { {-package_id:required} {-message_id:required} } { Append extra logics to forum message editing. } - d_proc -public -callback forum::message_delete { {-package_id:required} {-message_id:required} } { Append extra logics to forum message deletion. } - # ## Callback implementations # # navigation callbacks d_proc -public -callback navigation::package_admin -impl forums {} { Return the admin actions for the forum package. } { set actions {} # Check for admin on the package... if {[permission::permission_p -object_id $package_id -privilege admin -party_id $user_id]} { lappend actions \ [list LINK \ admin/ \ [_ acs-kernel.common_Administration] {} [_ forums.Admin_for_all]] \ [list LINK \ [export_vars -base admin/permissions {{object_id $package_id}}] \ [_ acs-kernel.common_Permissions] {} [_ forums.Permissions_for_all]] \ [list LINK admin/forum-new [_ forums.Create_a_New_Forum] {} {}] } # check for admin on the individual forums. db_foreach forums { select forum_id, name, enabled_p from forums_forums where package_id = :package_id } { if {[permission::permission_p -object_id $forum_id -privilege admin -party_id $user_id]} { lappend actions \ [list SECTION "Forum $name ([expr {$enabled_p ? [_ forums.enabled] : [_ forums.disabled]}])" {}] \ [list LINK \ [export_vars -base admin/forum-edit forum_id] \ [_ forums.Edit_forum_name] {} {}] \ [list LINK \ [export_vars -base admin/permissions {{object_id $forum_id} return_url}] \ [_ forums.Permission_forum_name] {} {}] } } return $actions } # project-manager callbacks d_proc -public -callback pm::project_new -impl forums { {-package_id:required} {-project_id:required} {-data:required} } { Create a new forum for each new project. } { set pm_name [pm::project::name -project_item_id $project_id] foreach forum_package_id [application_link::get_linked -from_package_id $package_id -to_package_key "forums"] { set forum_id [forum::new \ -name $pm_name \ -package_id $forum_package_id \ -no_callback] # Automatically allow new threads on this forum db_dml query { update forums_forums set new_questions_allowed_p = true where forum_id = :forum_id } application_data_link::new -this_object_id $project_id -target_object_id $forum_id } } # search callbacks d_proc -public -callback search::datasource -impl forums_message {} { @author @creation-date 2005-06-07 Returns a datasource for the search package this is the content that will be indexed by the full text search engine. We expect message_id to be a root message of a thread only, and return the text of all the messages below. } { set message_id $object_id # If there is no connection than this proc is called from the # search indexer. In that case we set the locale to the # system-wide default locale, since locale is needed for some part # of the message formatting. if { ![ns_conn isconnected] } { ad_conn -set locale [lang::system::site_wide_locale] } forum::message::get -message_id $message_id -array message if { $message(parent_id) ne "" } { ns_log debug "forum::message::datasource was called with a message_id that has a parent - skipping: $message_id" set empty(object_id) $message_id set empty(title) "" set empty(content) "" set empty(keywords) "" set empty(storage_type) "text" set empty(mime) "text/plain" return [array get empty] } set relevant_date $message(posting_date) set tree_sortkey $message(tree_sortkey) set forum_id $message(forum_id) set combined_content "" array set forum [forum::get -forum_id $message(forum_id) -array forum] set package_id $forum(package_id) # We only render the content of approved messages. db_foreach messages { with recursive thread(message_id, parent_id, subject, content, format) as ( select message_id, parent_id, subject, content, format from forums_messages where message_id = :message_id and state = 'approved' union all select m.message_id, m.parent_id, m.subject, m.content, m.format from forums_messages m, thread t where m.parent_id = t.message_id and m.state = 'approved' ) select subject, content, format from thread } { # include the subject in the text if it is different from the thread's subject set root_subject $message(subject) regexp {^(?:Re: )+(.*)$} $subject match subject if { $subject ne $root_subject } { # different subject append combined_content "$subject\n\n" } # # GN: The standard conversion from "text/enhanced" to # "text/plain" converts first from "text/enhanced" to # "text/html" and then from "text/html" to "text/plain". This # can take for large forums posting a long time (e.g. a few # minutes on Since this function is used just # for the summarizer (when listing a short paragraph in the # context of the search result), we can live here with a much # simpler version, which computes the same in less than one # ms. # if {$message(format) eq "text/enhanced"} { regsub -all -- {<p>} $content "\n\n" content regsub -all -- {(<?/[^>]*>)} $content "" content } else { set content [ad_html_text_convert -from $format -to text/plain -- $content] } append combined_content $content # In case this text is not only used for indexing but also for display, beautify it append combined_content "\n\n" set relevant_date $message(posting_date) } return [list object_id $message(message_id) \ title $message(subject) \ content $combined_content \ relevant_date $relevant_date \ community_id "" \ keywords {} \ storage_type text \ mime text/plain \ package_id $package_id] } d_proc -public -callback search::url -impl forums_message {} { @author @creation-date 2005-06-08 Returns a URL for a message to the search package. } { set message_id $object_id set forum_package_id [db_string select_forums_package { select package_id from forums_forums where forum_id = (select forum_id from forums_messages where message_id = :message_id) }] set forum_package_url [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $forum_package_id] return "[ad_url]${forum_package_url}message-view?message_id=$message_id" } d_proc -public -callback search::datasource -impl forums_forum {} { Returns a datasource for the search package this is the content that will be indexed by the full text search engine. @author Jeff Davis @creation-date 2004-04-01 } { set forum_id $object_id if {![db_0or1row datasource {} -column_array datasource]} { return {object_id {} name {} charter {} mime {} storage_type {}} } return [array get datasource] } d_proc -public -callback search::url -impl forums_forum {} { Returns a URL for a forum to the search package. @author Jeff Davis @creation-date 2004-04-01 } { set forum_id $object_id set forum_package_id [db_string select_forums_package { select package_id from forums_forums where forum_id = :forum_id }] set forum_package_url [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $forum_package_id] return "[ad_url]${forum_package_url}forum-view?forum_id=$forum_id" } # merge callbacks d_proc -callback merge::MergeShowUserInfo -impl forums { -user_id:required } { Merge the *forums* of two users. The from_user_id is the user_id of the user that will be deleted and all the *forums* of this user will be mapped to the to_user_id. } { set msg "Forums items of $user_id" ns_log Notice $msg set result [list $msg] set last_poster [db_list_of_lists sel_poster {} ] set msg "Last Poster of $last_poster" lappend result $msg set poster [db_list_of_lists sel_user_id {} ] set msg "Poster of $poster" lappend result $msg return $result } d_proc -callback merge::MergePackageUser -impl forums { -from_user_id:required -to_user_id:required } { Merge the *forums* of two users. The from_user_id is the user_id of the user that will be deleted and all the *forums* of this user will be mapped to the to_user_id. } { set msg "Merging forums" ns_log Notice $msg set result [list $msg] db_dml upd_poster {} db_dml upd_user_id {} lappend result "Merge of forums is done" return $result } # application-track callbacks d_proc -callback application-track::getApplicationName -impl forums {} { Callback implementation. } { return "forums" } d_proc -callback application-track::getGeneralInfo -impl forums {} { Callback implementation. } { db_1row my_query { select count(f.forum_id) as result FROM forums_forums f, dotlrn_communities_full com WHERE com.community_id=:comm_id and apm_package__parent_id(f.package_id) = com.package_id } return $result } d_proc -callback application-track::getSpecificInfo -impl forums {} { Callback implementation. } { upvar $query_name my_query upvar $elements_name my_elements set my_query { SELECT as name,f.thread_count as threads, f.last_post, to_char(o.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as creation_date FROM forums_forums f,dotlrn_communities_full com,acs_objects o WHERE com.community_id=:class_instance_id and f.forum_id = o.object_id and apm_package__parent_id(f.package_id) = com.package_id } set my_elements { name { label "Name" display_col name html {align center} } threads { label "Threads" display_col threads html {align center} } creation_date { label "creation_date" display_col creation_date html {align center} } last_post { label "last_post" display_col last_post html {align center} } } return "OK" } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: