This is the target from the form on the bottom of admin/index.adp It processes the commands 'Delete','Archive','Make Permanent','Publish' or 'Re-Publish'. In the case of (Re-)Publish, pageflow is handed on to a collective approve page Restricted to News Admin
- Location:
- /packages/news/www/admin/process.tcl
- Author:
- Stefan Deusch <>
- Created:
- 12-14-00
$Id: process.tcl,v 1.13 2018/03/29 23:25:45 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/news/www/admin/process.xql
- packages/news/www/admin/process.tcl
- packages/news/www/admin/process.adp
- packages/news/www/admin/process-postgresql.xql
- packages/news/www/admin/process-oracle.xql
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File Contents
# /packages/news/www/admin/process.tcl ad_page_contract { This is the target from the form on the bottom of admin/index.adp It processes the commands 'Delete','Archive','Make Permanent','Publish' or 'Re-Publish'. In the case of (Re-)Publish, pageflow is handed on to a collective approve page Restricted to News Admin @author Stefan Deusch ( @creation-date 12-14-00 @cvs-id $Id: process.tcl,v 1.13 2018/03/29 23:25:45 gustafn Exp $ } { n_items:multiple,notnull action:notnull } -errors [list n_items:notnull [_ news.lt_Please_check_the_item]] \ -properties { title:onevalue context:onevalue action:onevalue hidden_vars:onevalue unapproved:multirow n_items:onevalue halt_p:onevalue news_items:multirow } # in the case of (Re-)Publish, redirect to approve if {"publish" eq $action} { ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base approve {n_items}] ad_script_abort } set title "[_ news.Confirm_Action] $action" set context [list $title] array set action_msg_key { publish news.Publish "make permanent" news.Make_Permanent "archive now" news.Archive_Now "archive next week" news.lt_Archive_as_of_Next_We "archive next month" news.lt_Archive_as_of_Next_Mo "make permanent" news.Make_Permanent "delete" news.Delete } set action_pretty [_ $action_msg_key($action)] # produce bind_id_list for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $n_items]} {incr i} { set id_$i [lindex $n_items $i] lappend bind_id_list ":id_$i" } # 'archive' or 'making permanent' only after release possible if {[regexp -nocase {archive|permanent} $action ]} { db_multirow -extend { creation_date_pretty } unapproved unapproved_list {} { set creation_date_pretty [lc_time_fmt $creation_date "%x"] } set halt_p [array size unapproved] } # proceed if no errors if { ![info exists halt_p] || $halt_p==0 } { template::list::create \ -name news_items \ -multirow news_items \ -elements { publish_title { label \#news.Title\# } creation_date { label \#news.Creation_Date\# display_col creation_date_pretty } item_creator { label \#news.Author\# } } db_multirow -extend { creation_date_pretty } news_items item_list {} { set creation_date_pretty [lc_time_fmt $creation_date "%x"] } } set hidden_vars [export_vars -form {action n_items item_id}] ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: