This page serves as UI to add a new revision of a news item By default, the fields of the active_revision are filled in. Currently only News Admin can do this, not the original submitter though.
- Location:
- /packages/news/www/admin/revision-add.tcl
- Author:
- Created:
- 2000-12-20
$Id: revision-add.tcl,v 2024/07/19 12:16:47 antoniop Exp $
Related Files
- packages/news/www/admin/revision-add.xql
- packages/news/www/admin/revision-add.tcl
- packages/news/www/admin/revision-add.adp
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File Contents
# /packages/news/www/admin/revision-add.tcl ad_page_contract { This page serves as UI to add a new revision of a news item By default, the fields of the active_revision are filled in. Currently only News Admin can do this, not the original submitter though. @author @creation-date 2000-12-20 @cvs-id $Id: revision-add.tcl,v 2024/07/19 12:16:47 antoniop Exp $ } { item_id:object_id,notnull } -properties { title:onevalue context:onevalue publish_date:onevalue publish_date_desc:onevalue publish_title:onevalue publish_lead:onevalue publish_body:onevalue publish_format:onevalue archive_date:onevalue never_checkbox:onevalue hidden_vars:onevalue } db_1row news_item_info {} set title [_ news.Add_a_new_revision] set context [list $title] # get active revision of news item db_1row item {} if {$archive_date eq ""} { set active_days [parameter::get -parameter ActiveDays -default 14] set archive_date [clock format [clock scan "$active_days days"] -format %Y-%m-%d] } set action "[_ news.Revision]" ns_log notice "NEWS REVISION" ad_form -name "news_revision" -export {item_id action} -html {enctype "multipart/form-data"} -action "../preview" -form { {publish_title:text(text) {label "[_ news.Title]"} {html {size 61 maxlength 400}} {value $publish_title} } {publish_lead:text(textarea),optional {label "[_ news.Lead]"} {html {cols 60 rows 3}} {value $publish_lead} } {publish_body:text(richtext),optional {label "[_ news.Body]"} {html {cols 60 rows 20}} {value "[list $publish_body $publish_format]"} } {publish_date:h5date,optional {label "[_ news.Release_Date]"} {value $publish_date} } {archive_date:h5date,optional {label "[_ news.Archive_Date]"} {value $archive_date} } {permanent_p:text(checkbox),optional {label "[_ news.never]"} {options {{"#news.show_it_permanently#" t}}} } {revision_log:text(text) {label "[_ news.Revision_log]"} {html {size 61 maxlength 400}} } } ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: