- Location:
- /packages/oct-election/www/user-list.tcl
$Id: user-list.tcl,v 1.5 2018/05/09 15:33:33 hectorr Exp $
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ad_page_contract { @cvs-id $Id: user-list.tcl,v 1.5 2018/05/09 15:33:33 hectorr Exp $ } { } set page_title "OCT Voting List" set context $page_title template::list::create \ -name voters_foo \ -multirow voters \ -elements { name { label "Name" html { align center} aggregate count aggregate_label "Total" } cvs_user { label "cvs_user" html { align center} } num_posts { label "num_posts" html { align center} } } # set up basic vars set election_id 5 db_1row get_election { select start_time, end_time, vote_forum_cutoff, label, (case when now() > start_time then 1 else 0 end) as past_start_p, (case when now() > end_time then 1 else 0 end) as past_end_p from oct_election where election_id = :election_id } set cvs_history_days [db_string get_cvs_days { select cvs_history_days from oct_election where election_id = :election_id } ] set num_days 90 set valid_voter_p 0 set before_sql "to_date(:vote_forum_cutoff, 'YYYY-MM-DD')" set usernames [list] db_multirow \ -extend { mailto name } voters voters_select " (select u2.user_id, u2.username as cvs_user, count(message_id) as num_posts from users u2, forums_messages where u2.user_id = forums_messages.user_id and posting_date between $before_sql - interval \'$num_days days\' and $before_sql group by u2.user_id, u2.username having count(*) > 1) UNION (select user_id, username as cvs_user, -1 as num_post from users where username not like '%@%') order by num_posts DESC " { # don't repeat users if {$cvs_user in $usernames} { continue } lappend usernames $cvs_user set status 0 if {$num_posts < 2} { set num_posts "Through CVS commits" #Checking CVS commit history # set cvs_user [acs_user::get_element -user_id $user_id -element username] if {$cvs_history_days eq 0} { set cvs_history_days "all" } set service_url "$cvs_user&days=$cvs_history_days" if {![catch { set commit_info [ns_httpget $service_url] } errmsg] } { set doc [dom parse $commit_info] set root_node [$doc documentElement] set commits [llength [$root_node selectNodes /rss/channel/item]] if {!$commits} { continue } } else { continue } } set name [acs_user::get_element -user_id $user_id -element name] }