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- Location:
- /packages/photo-album/www/random-photo.tcl
Related Files
- packages/photo-album/www/random-photo.tcl
- packages/photo-album/www/random-photo.adp
- packages/photo-album/www/random-photo-postgresql.xql
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# Includable template pair that can be used to show a random photo # from a photo-album instance or from all instances on the server. # written by Jarkko Laine (jarkko.m.laine@tut.fi) # @author: Bart Teeuwisse (bart.teeuwisse@thecodemill.biz) # Usage: # <include src="/packages/photo-album/www/random-photo" url="/path/to/your/photo-album"> # or # <include src="/packages/photo-album/www/random-photo" package_id="1473"> where 1473 # is the package_id of your photo-album instance. # or # <include src="/packages/photo-album/www/random-photo" photo_id="9912"> where 9912 # is the photo_id of a photo in one of your albums. # or # <include src="/packages/photo-album/www/random-photo" album_id="2983"> where 2983 # is the album_id of an album in one of your packages. # It is not possible to give package_id and album_id at the same time (as it would not make sense anyway). # If neither package_id, album_id nor url is defined, the random photo is taken from all photos # in the system. # Expects: # photo_id:optional # package_id:optional # url:optional # size:optional (thumb, viewer) (thumb is default) # Use the position specified by the caller, default is left. if {![info exists random:position]} { set random:position left } # If the caller specified a URL, then we gather the package_id from that URL if {[info exists url]} { # Let's add the leading/tailing slashes so the url's will always work set url [string trim $url] if {[string index $url 0] ne "/" } { set url "/$url" } if {[string index $url end] ne "/" } { set url "$url/" } array set pa_site_node [site_node::get \ -url $url] set package_id $pa_site_node(object_id) } # Determain the display size of the photo. if {![info exists size]} { set size "thumb" } switch -exact $size { viewer { # Get the normal size photo set size_clause [db_map size_clause_normal] } default { # Grab the thumbnail set size_clause [db_map size_clause_thumb] } } # If they supplied neither url nor package_id, the random photo # is shuffled across all the photos in the system. if {[info exists album_id]} { set photo_clause "and ci.parent_id = :album_id" } else { set photo_clause "" } if {[info exists photo_id]} { # A photo ID was provided. Limit the query to that photo. set photo_clause [db_map photo_clause] } if {[catch {db_1row get_random_photo_all {}} err_msg]} { ns_log error "No random photo found: $err_msg" set found_p 0 } else { set found_p 1 } if {[info exists package_id] && $found_p == 0} { set root_folder_id [pa_get_root_folder $package_id] if {[catch {db_1row get_random_photo_folder {}} err_msg]} { ns_log error "No random photo found in folder $root_folder_id: $err_msg" set found_p 0 } else { set found_p 1 } } # if no url or package_id were given, we have to find out # which package the photo belongs to if {![info exists package_id] && ![info exists url] && $found_p == 1} { set url [db_string get_url ""] } ad_return_template