
Present an admin page for adding or editing subscriptions. We should either get a subscr_id (editing) or impl_id + summary_context_id (adding). Set the meta urlarg to 0 to prevent generating a report from which we pull out channel title and link. It would be very tempting to accept impl_name as an argument instead of impl_id. However, the direct application of the procname in acs_sc::invoke raises the ugly possibility of code-smuggling through the URL, so we will force the use of the easily validated impl_id instead.


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File Contents

ad_page_contract {

    Present an admin page for adding or editing subscriptions.

    We should either get a subscr_id (editing) or
    impl_id + summary_context_id (adding).

    Set the meta urlarg to 0 to prevent generating a report from which
    we pull out channel title and link.

    It would be very tempting to accept impl_name as an argument
    instead of impl_id.  However, the direct application of the
    procname in acs_sc::invoke raises the ugly possibility of
    code-smuggling through the URL, so we will force the use of the
    easily validated impl_id instead.

} {
    {meta:optional 1}
} -validate {
    subscr_or_context {
        if { !([info exists subscr_id] || ([info exists impl_id] && [info exists summary_context_id])) } {
            ad_complain "We were unable to
            process your request.  Please contact this site's
            technical team for assistance."

if { [info exists impl_id] && [info exists summary_context_id] } {
    db_0or1row subscr_id_from_impl_and_context {}

if {[info exists subscr_id]} {
    set action edit
    set pretty_action Edit
    permission::require_permission -object_id $subscr_id -privilege admin
    db_1row subscr_info {}
} else {
    set action add
    set pretty_action Add
    permission::require_permission -object_id $summary_context_id -privilege admin
    set subscr_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq]
    set timeout 3600

# Validate the impl_id and get its name
if {![db_0or1row get_impl_name_and_count {}]} {
    ad_return_error "No implementation found for this id." "We were unable to
process your request.  Please contact this site's technical team for

if { ![info exists channel_title] || $channel_title eq "" || $channel_link eq "" } {
    if {!$meta} {
        if {$channel_title eq ""} {
            set channel_title "Summary Context $summary_context_id"
    } else {
        # Pull out channel data by generating a summary.
        # This is a convenient way to use a contracted operation
        # but is not terribly efficient since we only need the channel title
        # and link, and not the whole summary.
        foreach {name val} [acs_sc::invoke -contract RssGenerationSubscriber -operation datasource -call_args $summary_context_id -impl $impl_name] {
            if { [lsearch {channel_title channel_link} $name] >= 0 } {
                set $name $val

set formvars [export_vars -form {subscr_id           \
                               impl_id             \
                               summary_context_id  \
                               return_url          \

set context [list Add/Edit]

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: