data structures used column_info: a type of ns_set expected to contain the following values column_name data_type data_length column_comments constraint_list -- list of ids of constraint_info ns_sets data_default nullable constraint_info: a type of ns_set expected to contain the following values: constraint_name constraint_type constraint_columns -- list of column names search_condition -- optional -- not null and check constraint types only foreign_columns -- list of foreign column names -- optional -- foreign constraints only foreign_table -- optional -- foreign constraints only foreign_constraint -- optional -- foreign constraints only r_constraint_name -- optional -- foreign constraints only
- Location:
- /packages/schema-browser/www/index.tcl
- Author:
- Created:
- ?
$Id: index.tcl,v 1.9 2023/03/17 16:47:25 antoniop Exp $
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ad_page_contract { data structures used column_info: a type of ns_set expected to contain the following values column_name data_type data_length column_comments constraint_list -- list of ids of constraint_info ns_sets data_default nullable constraint_info: a type of ns_set expected to contain the following values: constraint_name constraint_type constraint_columns -- list of column names search_condition -- optional -- not null and check constraint types only foreign_columns -- list of foreign column names -- optional -- foreign constraints only foreign_table -- optional -- foreign constraints only foreign_constraint -- optional -- foreign constraints only r_constraint_name -- optional -- foreign constraints only @param table_name @author @creation-date ? @cvs-id $Id: index.tcl,v 1.9 2023/03/17 16:47:25 antoniop Exp $ } { table_name:optional,token } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if { [info exists table_name] && $table_name ne "" } { set context [list "Table: $table_name"] set page_title "Table: $table_name" set table_description [sb::get_table_description $table_name] } else { set context "" set page_title "Schema Browser" set table_name "" } set table_list [sb::get_tables $table_name]