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- Location:
- /packages/workflow/tcl/deputy-procs.tcl
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ad_library { Procedures in the workflow::deputy namespace. @creation-date 2003-06-25 @author Peter Marklund ( @cvs-id $Id: deputy-procs.tcl,v 1.2 2013/09/17 19:10:34 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval workflow::deputy {} d_proc -public workflow::deputy::new { {-user_id ""} {-deputy_id:required} {-start_day:required} {-end_day:required} {-message ""} } { Create a new deputizing period for a user during which workflow tasks will be assigned to a deputee. @param user_id The id of the user that is deputizing @param deputy_id The id of the user to deputize to @param start_day The start date of the deputizing period. Must be on ANSI format "YYYY-MM-DD" @param end_day The end date of the deputizing period. Must be on ANSI format "YYYY-MM-DD" @param message Any message describing the deputizing @author Peter Marklund } { if { $user_id eq "" } { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] } db_dml insert_deputy {} # Flush the role assignment info for all cases # to make sure cache is in sync with db # Do we also need to flush the workflow level cache here? workflow::case::flush_cache } d_proc -public workflow::deputy::edit { {-user_id:required} {-deputy_id:required} {-start_day:required} {-end_day:required} {-message:required} } { Edit deputy information for a certain user_id and deputy_id. @see workflow::deputy::new @author Peter Marklund } { db_dml update_deputy {} } d_proc -public workflow::deputy::delete { {-user_id:required} {-deputy_id:required} } { Delete deputy information for a certain user_id and deputy_id. @author Peter Marklund } { db_dml delete_deputy {} # Flush the role assignment info for all cases # to make sure cache is in sync with db # Do we also need to flush the workflow level cache here? workflow::case::flush_cache }