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- Location:
- /packages/acs-admin/tcl/apm-admin-init.tcl
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ad_library { Automated functions for acs-admin @cvs-id $Id: apm-admin-init.tcl,v 2020/10/28 15:39:18 hectorr Exp $ } # Only run this if this is openacs.org if {1} { ad_schedule_proc -thread t -schedule_proc ns_schedule_daily [list 0 0] apm_build_repository # we register the following filters only during startup, since # existing connection threads are not aware of the throttle object. if {[ns_server connections] == 0} { # # Register the filter progs for url statistics. # The methods to be called have the name of the filter type. # ns_register_filter trace GET /repository/* repository-download if {[namespace which ::xo::db::require] ne ""} { ::xo::db::require table apm_package_downloads { time timestamp ip text user_id integer channel text package text version text url text } ad_proc ::repository_log_to_db {} { set ip [ns_conn peeraddr] set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set url [ns_conn url] if {[regexp {^/repository/([^/]+)/(.*)-([^-]+).apm$} [ns_conn url] _ channel package version]} { ::xo::dc dml record_package_download \ "insert into apm_package_downloads(time, ip, user_id, channel, package, version, url) \ values (now(), :ip, :user_id, :channel, :package, :version, :url)" } } } ad_proc ::repository-download {args} { } { ns_log notice "::repository-download called with <$args> [ad_conn user_id] <[ns_conn url]> [ns_conn peeraddr]" set f [open $::acs::rootdir/log/apm.log a] puts $f "[clock format [clock seconds]]\t[ns_conn peeraddr]\t[ad_conn user_id]\t[ns_conn url]" close $f if {[catch {::repository_log_to_db} errorMsg]} { ns_log error "repository-download: $errorMsg" } return filter_ok } } } if {[ns_server connections] == 0} { # # Register the filter progs for url statistics. # The methods to be called have the name of the filter type. # ns_register_filter trace GET /repository/* repository-download if {[info commands ::xo::db::require] ne ""} { ::xo::db::require table apm_package_downloads \ "time timestamp, ip text, user_id integer, channel text, package text, version text, url text" ad_proc ::repository_log_to_db {} { set ip [ns_conn peeraddr] set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set url [ns_conn url] if {[regexp {^/repository/([^/]+)/(.*)-([^-]+).apm$} [ns_conn url] _ channel package version]} { ::xo::dc dml record_package_download \ "insert into apm_package_downloads(time, ip, user_id, channel, package, version, url) \ values (now(), :ip, :user_id, :channel, :package, :version, :url)" } } } ad_proc ::repository-download {args} { } { ns_log notice "::repository-download called with <$args> [ad_conn user_id] <[ns_conn url]> [ns_conn peeraddr]" set f [open $::acs::rootdir/log/apm.log a] puts $f "[clock format [clock seconds]]\t[ns_conn peeraddr]\t[ad_conn user_id]\t[ns_conn url]" close $f if {[catch {::repository_log_to_db} errorMsg]} { ns_log error "repository-download: $errorMsg" } return filter_ok } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: