top level list of forums
- Location:
- /packages/acs-admin/www/users/bouncing-users.tcl
- Author:
- Ben Adida <>
- Created:
- 2002-05-24
$Id: bouncing-users.tcl,v 1.5 2018/02/02 00:04:50 gustafn Exp $
Related Files
- packages/acs-admin/www/users/bouncing-users.xql
- packages/acs-admin/www/users/bouncing-users.tcl
- packages/acs-admin/www/users/bouncing-users.adp
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File Contents
ad_page_contract { top level list of forums @author Ben Adida ( @creation-date 2002-05-24 @cvs-id $Id: bouncing-users.tcl,v 1.5 2018/02/02 00:04:50 gustafn Exp $ } { {page:naturalnum ""} {page_size:naturalnum 25} {orderby:token "username,asc"} } set user_id [ad_conn user_id] template::list::create \ -name bouncing_users \ -multirow bouncing_users \ -key forum_id \ -elements { username { label "[_ acs-subsite.Username]" } full_name { label "[_ acs-subsite.Name]" display_template {<pre>@bouncing_users.full_name;noquote@</pre>} } unbounce_link { label "" display_template {<a href="@bouncing_users.unbounce_link;noquote@">[_ acs-mail-lite.Unbounce]</a>} } } -orderby { username { orderby_asc "username asc" orderby_desc "username desc" default_direction asc } full_name { orderby_asc "full_name asc" orderby_desc "full_name desc" default_direction asc } } db_multirow -extend {unbounce_link} bouncing_users select_bouncing_users {} { set return_url [ad_return_url] set unbounce_link [export_vars -base /register/restore-bounce {user_id return_url}] } set context [list [list "." "Users"] "[_ acs-mail-lite.Bouncing_users]"] # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: